Doesnt this happen with black people all the time, black guy and white guy in dispute, black guy gets arrested and charged, white guy gets slap on wrist
^^ hmm typical, complain about racism yet your racist yourself (behind the keyboard type lol).. imo you can be if you like.. as long as you don't complain when it comes back round. you silly Buglar lol ..
That happens but more so now, when it's a black vs white crime, these days it seems more people (media/prosecutor, etc) are automatically thinking it's a hate crime when it may not be so. Every little thing becomes a racial motive. It can be either black or white but if it's black guy that got beaten up by the white guy in a fight, they are going to make it seem like a hate crime even if it's not sometimes.
yup that happens, you know what i dont like... i dont like how black people get to be racist on TV shows, it happens all the time, like calling a chick "white girl", then whats even more strange is the script writers are 90% of the time white.... hmm
Don't the asians usually attack in mobs, I remember when there was a fight around a park near school, some latinos(around 12) started messing with some asian kids(4). Next thing you know like 50+asians came into the handball courts and started throwing glass bottles and freaking beating those kids up. It only took like a few mins and everyone was gone. Than the cops came.
Is it that feeling when you said my thread failed but it didn't fail and then you made a thread which then failed that comes back round feeling? and yes, I will complain ^^
LOl that's ridiculous.. Criminal charge for a school fight is terribly unreasonable especially seeing as the asian kid only threw one punch at him. Also, SELF DEFENCE causing bodily harm is not a criminal offence. Criminal code: 34. (1) Every one who is unlawfully assaulted without having provoked the assault is justified in repelling force by force if the force he uses is not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm and is no more than is necessary to enable him to defend himself. 37. (1) Every one is justified in using force to defend himself or any one under his protection from assault, if he uses no more force than is necessary to prevent the assault or the repetition of it. But i know what you're trying to say. Theres no proof that it was self defenec but still. think about it. its a fricken school fight. These happen all the time and worst has happened. a suspension/expulsion is sufficient. ur saying that we should condemn everyone who has ever thrown a punch at somebody else to a life of mcdonalds because of one insignificant mistake. Guess we should all have criminal records then? It's not like the other kid was near death or anything. And wtf LOL i like how they had to state that he had a black belt in karate. Is that considered using a weapon now or something? LOLol
i think BOTH should be suspended.... or the caucasian kid...cuz he started the name calling n fighting!!! something like that happened to me before.... caucasian chick tried to pick on me cuz im chineeese.....started calling me chink etc.... at the lockers n pushed me first -_-.... n guess what, the principal called my parents cuz the white girl got her ass kicked... wasnt allowed to follow classes for a week i never regret doing that... even my dad told me i did the right thing cuz i punched her out of self defence!!! n that was the only time i actually fought a girl n its most likely never to happen again...
in my school racism just didnt happen, one time a girl said something racist to my friend and the whole school turned on her (news travelled very fast) and she had to leave the school and transfer in case of a riot.
He won't even stand up for an Asian School Kid in York. And he is championing Tibetan rights. LOL. If the Authorities get their way, that is, only the Asian kid was put in court, the implications are SERIOUS and it sends the wrong message across. 1. In other words, Asian kids who have been assaulted, are taught in school, they have no rights to defend themselves. 2. That the law is applied unequally and that the Minority status is etched on the foreheads of our young ones forever. 3. This would inspire further hate behavior to be magnify as Children are taught that Violence and abuse to Asian Children is tolerated and acceptable. 4. If the school is an institution of learning, of imparting values to our younger ones, then WHAT KIND OF MORAL AUTHORITY does the school have if it pick and choose its own set of rules to be applied as it deems fit in such an outrageous manner. 5. Asian kids might take this as a sign of their unequal status and begin to withdraw from engagement and it will have an impact on their psychological upbringing. My conclusion is simple. What you teach in school, is what the future of the country will be shape. That is why this issue and case is serious and the implications are far wider then some two bit half baked myopic academic here who choose to play it down. Its pathetic. Its cowardly that the school fail to make any statement. At best, since the Student went on "Strike", they could have at least issue a generic statement condemning racism. And from the news report so far, this they have not done. This tell us alot about the school's stand.
people tend to be so short sighted. his future held a bright one, but his short temper got the best of him.
I understand everything that you're saying, and I agree with 99.9% of it. But, and its the very big one; a kid was hospitalized because of it. That alone is worth at least a civil law suit. Combine that with harsh words that were racially inflammatory, and you're looking at a criminal investigation at a minimum. Hence, my take is, let a jurist in open court decide who or what should be done simply because a judge knows the law; that is if self defense is an applicable argument here or not.
i'd just like ot make sure you're clear on the fact that it was not the asian kid who was being racist, it was the other one so the bolded argument would not apply. Also kid was hospitalized because of a broken nose from one punch. as i mentioned before, i do agree with you that there should be some form of punishment but not to the extremes of a criminal offence. PS: i just had this kickass image in my head of what happened. it could make for an epic film. school bully comes up to small frail asian nerd with racial profanities. then proceeds to start a shoving match before punching what he thought was just a little dweeb in the lip, causing him to bleed. asian kid spits blood from lip into ground, gives a slight smirk and one hit KO's bully with one punch. asian kid walks away, his hair blowing in the wind and cute schoolgirls staring behind him in awe. that would be COOl
I'm perfectly clear on what happened (at least as described by the OP). White kid racially insults Asian kid, then punches Asian kid, Asian kid punches and breaks White kid's nose. However... since racial epithets were heard, and an injury was sustained, this becomes a criminal investigation to clarify the chain of events; who said what, how it was said, what was the intent, etc. As I stated before, to ensure fairness for all concerned, the best arbiter for this is a judge in a courtroom. -detect As for your revisionist fantasies? Mental masturbation is fine, but unfortunately, the real world doesn't work that way. That's why we need lawyers. :ugh: