Usually the routine in there is drink til you just wanna dance and go for it. Then you just gup lui or grind them LOL
True,i will find it weird if the person doesn't dance at all. My friends once brought drinks to the nightclubs,lol
Honestly even if you can't dance in there: 1. They will most likely not see you, unless you do super weird shit 2. They will not remember who you are 3. It's too dark, they can't even see your face...
socialise? more like get proper drunk by the bar or just do the pure flirting with the barman/maid lol
^ true might as well use the good old trick with the beer matt and put your number there then walk off
There are gays in clubs too, the bartender ignores you but the gay comes in and pick it up...well you're just fucked...and get ready for some anal fucking...uke:
Hell naw, I'm scare of those guys, its either a squeeze at your thigh or pat at your balls, next thing they know is a punch to the face and next thing the manager of place will know is a brawl in the place I'm trying to get the Vee-aiii-Pee Ayyy Esss Ayyy Peeee