If the OP waited that long to act, it's ALREADY too late. But I guess it's always "better late than never" right? -tongue2
Man...... You sound Pathetic.......! If you really want it....... go after it.... But don't be desprate.......! A girl can tell if your desperate or not...! You got to have... Game.... by smooth like.... a Fruit SMoothie.... sweet but yet Yummy...... Yummy but yet.... Tastey....! Tease a little.... play a little hard to get.......! But just show that your .... deseprate to make out with her....! B like..... her friend get to know her...... then.... get her DRUNK......... and then..... say the secret words..... I LOVE U........ and u know what......? She might...... KiSS you or even MAKE out with you.....! Oh by the way.... she might think your... deseperate if you don't get her drunk enuff.. so make sure you get her........crunk...!
i think the best thing to do is to think to urself what is the worst thing that can happen. all they will do is either have the same feelings or if they don't then at least u know where u stand and if u rele like her then u could then try and persuade her. like in the film the notebook. lol. nothing dramatic is going to happen at the end of the day.
i'm no dr phil.. but what i think is ... take it slow... don't rush it...think as in the worst situation what would happen so you don't think your top shit... if she's into you.. she'll drop hints...if not.. then act smooth.. act calm... don't stress... and then take the next step...
dude... if you know that she is 10 feet away from you, go and say hi. That's so simple, I don't see that as being desperate at all. She probably notice that you're 10 ft away from her and wants to say something too. Plus it feels so annoying when you're thinking of saying hi to someone but is hesitant to do it.
Since you're in a class together I think you could just use the classwork as an icebreaker. It's kind of like me. When I'm talking to a boy I like on AIM or something and I want to say something to him, I usualy type the thing out, then press enter before I could stop myself. It's like a band-aid, do it fast and easy and it'll hurt less. So you should just talk to her. Make a list fo things to talk about. (I know that sounds extremely lame, but it works! Trust me!) She might find your shyness even sweet.
I have just used up 1 hour to read this entire thread. It is truly magnificent. This thread could be turned into a book. I wonder what title would be suitable though....