^ pwhahaha....no-name so funnnnnny....-lol weiii lei mut-shuyy where areee youuu...no response = you likey ya namee...
LOL Lee Mut Sui!! haha ~ think i stick with Hok Yau, thank you very much if i was a warrior, NAMELESS! ^^
^ c-dai....good job... ratsu....its trueee....doesnt suit you arrr.... the real name-less....so funnnny...!!!!..
i don't have an English name so it's Yusum (如心) but i don't mind it as it's pretty much unique and it is hilarious to hear how people pronounce my name when they haven't heard how to pronounce it hahahaaa
i was i was 小甜甜!! wish to be rich LOL and there's a 如心gong場 (Tina Mall or something liek that in HK lol)
rich and going out with gwoon ga jai? lols... i got new jersey named after me =D but i don't think theres anything chinese =(