The trailer does look fantastic. I have to say, I would definitely like to watch this. I have also seen the first movie and I thought it was great, but I don't know if the sequel will live up to the expectations with the pre-requel. It could turn out like The Hulk Movie
yay that second film is coming out because i loved the first one as it was (in rhino's voice from Bolt) TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! but will you say 2nd will be bad ass tho? coz usually the 2nd film aren't as good? well in my opinion it's not most films that have a sequel aren't that good, only the first ones were the best ones.
of all films i didn;t watch indie coz i was never a fan so i never watched it even if it had Shia in it lol
well i loved indy films but it was shite to be honest........... and it was weird to watch Hollywood films with Chinese subs when i was in Hong Kong. i couldnt stop looking at the subs for some reason even though its in English language >.<
i download my films i hardly go cinema hahahaa -bigclap but then when i downloaded fast and furious 4 i needed subs :(
WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT seriously ..... im not being funny but it was shit ...... okay i have to admit that the fight scenes were great and longer and lmao Spoiler Octumus Prime Vs 3 Deceptacons at the same time was awesome oh and megan fox running in slow motion was good XD but apart from that it was shit ... the story was fucked up .. imo the story should have developed more even though the story was pointless any way .. it was literally like first transformers remade and put more fight scenes .. thats all it was .... my view = 6/10:rant:
its hard to find a sequel to surpass the original ~ i know they had a big massive budget but it doesnt account for it to be an awesome film ~ you know, a lot of Hollywood films spend too much time on SFX and not on the plot/script >.< i'll still watch it though ~
Seen was badd...over did it with the dumb comedy, the action was ok i guess but movie was too long and got bored after a while...and pretty much every scene megan fox was was about her being 'sexy' the way she posed, run sure she is but they jus over did it...first one ROCKED, second one SUCKED!!!