It was obvious, that cop kicked him in the head and not the shoulder. The guy was already on the ground and gave up, that kick serve no purpose. The announcer was like, didn't know want to say after that kick to the suspects head, should I cover up that idiot cop's violent attack or not. Cops all around does it, that's why you don't want to piss them off, cause they know, they can mess you up and say it was self defense. If you meet a bad cop, it's going to be the worst days of your life unless you have witnesses or on cameras...
To make Grand theft auto more realistic, it really needs an update. If ya are busted, ya will be kicked in da head -devil
Exactly. This is purely from a lack of training and a lack of restraint; not what I would call "brutality" per se. The officer was probably pissed over the chase, and delivered the blow because he was angry with the suspect. Moral here is, you have to keep your own personal emotions in check. The suspect was obviously giving up, laying on the ground with both hands in plain view. The officer needs to be disciplined. The suspect needs to go to jail.
the guy gave up! sheesh! that kick to the head was quite unnecessary. I'm pretty sure it's not your regular shoe either. There's probably steel in that boot of his.