Title (English): Love Connected Title (Chinese): 保持愛你 Year:2009 Released: 19 February 2009 (HK) Genre: Romance Director:Patrick Kong (Yip Lim-Sum) Writer: Patrick Kong (Yip Lim-Sum) Cast: Stephy Tang Miki Yeung Justin Lo Ching-lam Wu Kay Tse Chelsea Tong Sammy Leung Joey Leung Synopsis: "Love Connected" is about 5 love stories of 14 men and women that happened on Valentine's Day. 1. On Valentine's Day, the love probation period of Fung (Wu Ching Lam) ended, will he be able to get his dream girl Kei (Chelsea Tong)? 2. Wei (Justin Lo) is a singer who worked in a shopping mall, will he be able to end up with Bao (Stephy Tang) who worked in a flower shop in the mall? 3. A puzzling fantasy love story happened to computer geeks Long and Hu (I Love You Boyz), who met 1-day-lover Small Goldfish (Miki Yeung) on the Internet. 4. Zhu (Joey Leung) and Fang's (Kay Tse) 7 years relationship is on the rocks, will this Valentine's Day dinner be their last? 5. Fei (Sammy Leung) is a playboy who plans to date his 3 girlfriends on Valentine's Day, but will dream differ from reality? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFe6_InCe7M Kay Tse and G.E.M. makes their first appearance in the silver screen
watched this in the cinemas......wasnt as good as expected.............and alex fong got replaced by justin lol
OMG OMG i so freaken want to see it, ur lucky u get to see it in the cinemas, so wish i lived in hk and woot gem is making her appearance
its weird how alex fong isn't in this, i wonder if gold label is trying to get rid of the alex and stephy couple thing.
Finally watched this flick. Probably one of the more entertaining ones I've wached this year. With HK Cinema being as parse as it is, I'll take anything to watch.
they pushed the release date back to June 30 T_____T does anyone know why they replaced alex?...i'm just very curious =D