^^;; hiyaaa~ i'm posting again after about half a year been busy with exam and whatnots. >__>;; I have been playing around with different styles; esp water colors, but still in the beginner stages, not prepared to show some works, yet.. XD;; I will scan some someday here some old and new artworks i though you guys might enjoy. =D this one is a recent photoshop edits. complied with various brushes and textures i found. and its featuring Mika Nakashima. (love her! ^^) This sketch with pencil is VERY recent (as you can see from the date) A pencil sketch, tweaked and coloured with photoshop. It's kinda new style i'm trying out. one of my favourite childhood movies: TOTORO! <33 A simple pencil sketch. the concept of this one is based a on the Shakespearean play: Hamlet. This was actually a half finished visual representation for my english class, but I didn't really like the final result, so i decided to post this one instead ^^;; Back to the good black ball point pen sketch! =] Hehe. Old work, done with charcoal. Hope you can guess who he is. ;] Spoiler HINT: He's royalty sorry for the dodgy camera ><;;
wow the charcoal one is reallly....gooood...kinda gave me goose bumps when i saw it....esp the eyes... the recent pencil sketch is soo pretttty...<3 likey the detailing on the hair and face... and welcome back....^^
i really like the one with Mika Nakashima, you use very good strokes and lines sketches. And the tororo is so cute!!! i like that too!
hey, do you mind if i take ur totoro and turn it into colours like anime? im want to use this to practice my photoshop
Thanks for all the comments! <3 @brown_bear: haha;; the eyes were reall mesmerising in the actual photo i based that picture on, if i can find i'll put it up ^^;;