the Deals & Steals section is now available, please come in and check out the deals around the globe. I will mainly post deals from Canada & Hong Kong.
i nearly thought it was them ad-spammers...-lol... umm...i dun really mind...i guess it'll be pretty long as these "deals" are WORLDWIDE...hahaha and and and who doesnt like coupons....we are chin..ANY discount all good...
its quite difficult to have a section for deals cause for some people they can't get it.... like there are already many websites where deals are posted on the daily...
YAYAYAYAY!!!! coupons~ hahaha!! gotta show "ksubi" this thread when it gets more active!! I know and are sites for giveaways, coupons and cashback offers stuff! BUT FOR AUSTRALIA ONLY!!
a thread is good enuf...makeing a whole section would be pushing it as this is not a coupon deals forum.