i agree. some people cheat unintentionally because of heat of the moment. its not like its planned or part of their personality..
yup yup, thats what all the chicks say when they go out with bad boys.. they gona be the one to change him... guess what happens? imo if a person see no real consequence then they will cheat, as a result a whole lot of people cheat, in the UK an affair is now considered normal in marriage... "Oh you've never had an affair???, not even once...", crap like that
Hmm, I don't really agree with these b/c I do some of these above, but that doesn't mean that I'm a cheater ((Or that's how I like to think)) -_-
Thanks for this tips.I think most people will still be cheated cos their won't believe it until they are really been cheated.
If you find yourself in a committed relationship why would you feel the need to cheat? If you are with the person you are supposed to be in love with why do you seek other opportunities?