China correspondent Stephen McDonell and ABC cameraman Rob Hill saw day turn into night as a freak storm swept across the capital Beijing today. "It was pitch black outside and you could see people looking out from the office towers across the road from us," McDonell said. "In a couple of the photos you can see a clock in the distance showing it was around 11:30 am local time." The storms were expected to affect western and northern Xinjiang, most part of Inner Mongolia, north-east China and north China. Today's extreme weather follows yesterday's hail storms across eastern China's Anhui province, which killed 14 people and injured more than 180, AFP reports. Anhui's Civil Affairs Bureau said that more than 10,000 people were evacuated and nearly 9,700 houses collapsed in yesterday's severe storm. Anhui was struck by hail and winds of up to 104 kilometres per hour, causing $82 million worth of damage. A similar hail storm struck the region in the first week of June, killing 23 people and injuring more than 200. Officials have warned residents that more dangerous weather could follow. Source:
mother nature's pay back for the shit china's doing to the environment! and it sux being killed by hail. must've been mostly elderly people.
^ You can't really blame China when all the American companies put all the shitty factories in China, India etc...
Wow I thought mother nature hated UK when the storm striked yesterday and hell i was scared as lightning striked then a second later thunder it was so close too I think mature nature hates China more lol
Remember the scene where Japan got large hailstorm and the jap businessman got struck in the head trying to run to the truck. But still scary shit if other factors starts to come true
I don't think so. The PRC itself is doing all the quick fertilizer farming and overuse of aquafiers that is recreating the same dead soil conditions of the Dirty Thirties. Americans had done the same asinine thing 80 years ago. It nearly destroyed all US farmland, and created dust storms that reached from the mid west to Washington. Back then, it came on the heals of the great depression and nearly drove the US to famine. It was otherwise known as the Dust Bowl Period of the 1930's. Chinese farmers right now are living out their own Grapes of Wrath. History; its scary shit. Duststorm Texas, US [1935] In a rush? For a quick synopsis, just read the red highlighted lines. So no. this wasn't because of factories in China, American or otherwise. No, they're not anymore.
^ im not surprised that China is the top pollutor as they are an industrial country and is woking it's way up the hierarchy of from being third world to a rich country like USA and UK... and the fact that it's a large country with ALOT of people there too
Sure ... blame it on the Americans for investing in China, employing the cheap labors and putting millions of Chinese to work.
with pollution from China, i can see that all daylight time will be like night time all the time soon ~ LOL