if you say there are those who are hairy, and those who are not, why would you even say it's 'gross'? you've just owned yourself.
^ looks like he's preparing for the coming zombie apocalypse. Personally I'm going to stick with long range weapons. If a zombie is close enough that you need an axe or knife, then you're probably already dead.
I'd rather stay close range. Like to get in there and feel the kill. I mean really get the blood and shit on your hands. this is for an "event".
a costume party....-unsure...? anyways...i bought one of my fave action movies on dvd for like £3....^^..
^ sigh.. a page later and someone finally compliments my purchase. everyone is a douchebagel except KT
WHUT hahahahahahaa.... not really la.... i used to be grossed out by hairy legs....but most of the guys i know have hairy legs so im cool with it...i dont find it hot or anything.... n yea then again guys arent supposed to be smooth n all hairless
hehehe yupZ........its an oldie but goooood...cant believe it came out in 1995... if theres any flicks as good as this one recommend me....not seen any other flicks thas as gooood as this....i think.... awww whut i thought she did a great job....seen recent piccies of her and she still looks the same....can still see her in the flick....hahaha....