Lol... ur hair is soooo.... azn popish..... like chinese/taiwanese.... not my kinda thing... i like guys with normal short hair...
^ sooo true... usually i thought hair with volume suits glamourous girls more but i guess coz im not into that kinda style i will only give it 5/10 ^^
this is comming from a guy (ME) who use to spend 30 mins on my hair lols. isn't it annoying, i mean the long bangs when it is a windy day lol. i would the hair is quite good in quality but i've seen too many people and i use to be in that phase lol. overall, i would say 8/10 for the hair :rl: show us the failed attempts also, looks like a bebo pic haha
umm i quite like itt....better if the back wasnt as long...have it sitting on ya shoulders is too long...
its a very typical yellow style hahaha I like it an extent....uhm....7/10 i guess.... i guess cause its so typical, I'm not so phased by it, but you got to spend SO much time doing it, trust me, i KNOW! i did the j-rock look which is the messier version of that style....soooo much TIME! sigh.....its ok though x
i read his username as 'manlove' and then i thought, yeah thats a good haircut for a guy with a username like that. im only kinda jokin, i can't say im a fan of the fob style haircut.
lol I don't like how long it is D: It reminds me of Danson Tang haha. Only really girly looking (or pretty looking if you want it to sound nicer) guys can wear this hair haha. Like lala_bel_tempo said though, it is gonna get really annoying to keep it looking good at all times. Unless you don't expect to go outside unless there is like 0 wind then I don't suggest it.
i like how you admit that you KINDA joking ........ maybe you should try that hair style FX just for a change and see if we like it rather than yucky neckhair...
im confused.....u said its a look u're trying is that u in the pic or not? lol if it's not u..............that style really depends on the face on the user......sometimes it doesn't fit. but that pic..........SO JAPANESE i must say, like a jap celebrity haha. My cousin would totally LOVE IT. Asian parents would hate it it's hard to hold yo, u need lots of spray