Michael jackson dead!

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by DragonK550i, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ apparently, his doc who is unknown and missing now gave him a strong dose of "Demerol", a painkiller for his dance related injurie. no one knows for sure but according to the preliminary investigation, that may be the reason that could've led to the cardiac arrest. keep in mind that mj does have an extensive health history already. anyway, the confirmed caused of death will be available 2-3 weeks after the autopsy and toxicology tests are done. i am sure if it's the drug that killed him, a wave of lawsuits will follow since mj has incurred about $400 millions of debt.
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Rest in peace or Rot in hell; it's all a matter of perspective. Some people here may feel that his creative contribution and music legacy that he leaves to mankind outweighs any personal
    behavioral peccadillo. Others may feel that no man, no matter his stature or fame, should ever be considered above the law, especially one that has hurt those who are most innocent.

    My take? He was a very talented child molester.

    Some people may not agree with me, but that's my honest feeling about him.
  3. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ well, regardless of whether he was a molester or not; now that he has passed on, i think we should let things go and move on. speaking bad about him now doesn't change anything but create more karma for yourself.
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, we can say the same about many others things; but regardless you're going to meet those that don't ever want to move on and forget about Nanjing, Hitler, Jim Jones, Pol Pot, George Bush, or yesterday's lousy pot roast dinner; to each his own. Whether Jackson is alive or dead doesn't really change my view of him. I agree that speaking bad about him doesn't change anything. But you gotta understand that speaking good about him don't change nothing either.

    He was what he was, and my opinion remains the same; he was a very talented showman with a lousy personal life. But you know? That probably fits about half of the celebrity sphere through history.

    That said, my question is, if someone is obviously in respiratory arrest from a suspected opiate overdose, why didn't the paramedics administer Narcan (the antidote). It doesn't matter how much opiate (morphine, heroin, demerol, dilaudid, methadone, oxycodone, codeine, etc) you have in your system. Narcan, in ever increasing doses, can stop the opiate immediately.

    My guess is, it was probably a variety of other things that haven't been mentioned yet, and not just your average opiate overdose.

    ADDENDUM: I just read that his personal doctor was there the whole time. Which is really odd. My question would be, did the doctor just arrive at the home and discover Jackson in cardiac arrest, or was he there all along, and waited until Jackson was in full cardiac arrest before he realized that the situation was beyond his management and then decided to have someone call 911? This case is getting more and more bizarre.

    ***Sidebar*** Just an observation, but it has been long known that celebrities often "doctor shop" that is, find themselves an unscrupulous medical doctor who is willing to let the VIP patient dictate what medications the doctor will order. Obviously, this is like giving the whole prescription pad to a drug addict. Good doctors who won't allow this are usually fired by the celebrity, who then goes looking for another until he finds one willing give him his drugs. That is why it is especially hard for celebrities to get off of narcotics. Their money and influence protects their addiction, and generally works against their ever achieving sobriety.
    #85 ralphrepo, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  5. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    i walked downstairs and next thing i know my sis told me Jacko was dead coz of FB and then turned on Sky News and it was everywhere...
    damn... the legend is gone
    and gutted to those who bidded for his tickets for next year at the o2
  6. dom88_rx7

    dom88_rx7 Well-Known Member

    So sad to hear this breaking news. I liked his 'Heal The World' song very much
  7. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    i read through some of these posts.. and some status on facebook its quite annoying how people make jokes and assume the worst of things about his death.

    even tho he had all those trials and weird incidents that the media played on, it shouldn't overshadow his greatness as a music icon and one of the greatest performers of all time.

    FYI y would he fake his death? here's an update on his finanical crisis. he woulda banked 100mill on the concert and probably more if he moved it to a world wide concert tour. he's MJ the bucks he can still make was limitless...


  8. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    ^ vi have to admit some of the jokes are really witty though :D
    thing is though i love his music but jsut his personality doesn;t appeal me alot so i didnt mind those jokes
  9. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    @kdotc, wow never knew he had that skin disease...I always thought he slowly bleached his skin...oh well at least the truth is out now -shock
  10. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    @kdotc, thank you. seriously, thank you. when i read your post, i was just like go kdotc. there are just too many people who accuse him of being a child molester or pedophile without knowing ANY facts. especially people now after his death, just bsing and saying stuff like 'oh loved his music but too bad he was a pedo' people who just know absolutely nothing and only allow themselves to be brainwashed by the media
  11. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    okay fine, i do have to admit some of the jokes were witty.. and clever and some what humorous if it was given at another time. but im still annoyed at people even if its at myself who find the jokes little bit funny
  12. here's what shaq said during nba draft 2009:
    "I want to send my condolences to the Jackson family, etc..."

    "And I want to send my congratulations to all the kids and their families. This is a big moment for them"

    if you don't get it...think harder.
  13. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    well that's life, celebrities will always get joked at when they die like when they were alive coz that's what we do. And i only realsie we only dop it to celebs and famous people and not our family, unless we really respected that celeb as a role model or something liek that, i will expect people to laugh at jokes or even make jokes out of them coz of the things they have done in their lives (usually not good ones just like MJ)
  14. BLR

    BLR Well-Known Member

    Highly famous celebrities seems to have a tendency to go early..weird.

    RIP MJ!

  15. We dont know if he is or he is not Pedo yea..
    Only the kids and himself knows if he is ot not..

    RIP MJ
  16. IMO

    MJ let kids sleep in his bed being as naive as he was, if he was being pedo he wouldn't have talked about it.

    MJ did not go pedo on them, greedy parents wouldn't have settled for money otherwise, what parent lets a person get away with doing stuff to their children for money.
  17. face book?
  18. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    yeah facebook too. thats how i found out about Michael Jackson suffering from a cardiac arrest. I saw "RIP MJ" so i quickly checked the BBC website for more info and was shocked >.<
  19. ^ bb said he died cuz of face book!!-unsure