Trying to become the next Patrick Roy kdot? lol Rofl no offense, but this makes Raycroft look like a goal tending god lmao. Nah only Raycroft sucks. Toskala is pretty decent. I guess you guys don't have to worry about your goaltending over there. With both Huet and Price defending your goal. Damn Habs and their goalies. lol
its freee...i also did the shoooting challenge...i averaged 73mph.........i got free entrance to the hockeyhall of fame while the class had to pay hahhaha suckass next time imma memorize wher ethe shots go then stand there to block them lol
those aren't actual pucks and are soft but you still feel it if you get hit lol... seriously i think i make a good goalie and should join some D-league to practice =) they can call me "the great wall"