10 Random Facts About You!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by stardust, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. stardust

    stardust Well-Known Member

    copied from facebook :laugh2:

    1) I go to bed at around 9:00 every night and wake up at around 6:00 every morning
    2) The insect I hate the most isn't spiders but ants!
    3) I was born a lefty but trained to be a righty
    4) I have never been to Disneyland
    5) I had the same purse for more than 5 years
    6) I used to have a pet pig
    7) I can sleep without a pillow
    8) No matter how hot the weather is I have to sleep with a blanket over my body
    9) I can't snap my fingers for some weird reason
    10) I collect PEZ (the candy)
  2. tiffystars

    tiffystars Well-Known Member

    1) I get sunburnt easily (something that has annoyed me this summer!)
    2) I'm VERY arty farty.. i read art and draw all the time.. ALSO any guy who carries art sketchbooks/big sheets catches my eye. haha..
    3) Architect wannabe- *must...get...into...uni ..this ..sept!*
    4) I love lavender fields....A LOT
    5) I want a ukulele (i edited this line three times- couldn't spell!)
    6) Scrubs addict
    7) I need to eat mushrooms every day or else i will feel that the day is incomplete without having obtained that food. (yes- i love mushrooms)
    8) I play the piano - and currently learning the guitar also! (my guitar strings broke the other day D=)
    9) I like to watch rain under a lampost at night
    10) Stressing actually makes me loose weight. I do stress a lot- it can be a good thing haha.
  3. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    I DID the 27 one on FB!! wtf........it took me 4ever to come up with 27...

    1. Fat
    2. Unorganized (80% of the time)
    3. Chinese (a REAL one)
    4. K is my favorite letter
    5. Love hard rock/grunge/heavy metal
    6. I cook
    7. Double personalities
    8. Can't curse to those who are younger than me
    9. Stalker
    10. I write diaries (8 years now)
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    1... shopaholic
    2... lives to travel atm
    3... had the best time of her life so far when she was 21 (in aussie)
    4... is 100% day dreamer
    5... generally hates socks n pants
    6... is very impulsive
    7... hates cold
    8... has music on in the shower
    9... daydreams too much
    10..would like to own a white range rover one day
    #4 MissCheekS, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  5. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Also copied from FB. lol The list I had was 20, though.

    1. I was born in Taiwan and moved to the US when I was 3.
    2. I love video games, namely realistically-tactical (RPGs) or challenging simulations since many of them offer immersing experiences I could never try, IRL.
    4. I have one older brother but I've always wanted a younger sibling to watch over or bully... more to bully. (of course out of love)
    5. I've been told by two different people in two separate occasions that I look like Mike He when I smile. I hate the guy.
    6. I was such a big fan of Pokemon growing up that I played the video games, watched every single episode, collected the cards, and memorized all original 150, IN ORDER.
    7. I have a Filipino nanny/housekeeper back home, and she makes the best ube.
    8. I always wear a shirt under my shirt... reasoning that it is there to keep the inside of my over shirt clean. Yes, I'm a clean freak, especially when it comes to my clothes.
    9. I decided to grow out my hair because my mom said I looked more "shuai" with it long. Thanks, mom.
    10. I played basketball all throughout high school.
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    ^ doesn't shuai mean water?

    1. My mom is chin, my dad is some third world slavik background. But i consider myself 100% Canadian eh.

    2. I drive a fairly expensive car. My goal is to drive an even more expensive car.

    3. I think the hottest girl i've ever seen is Misa Campo. Consequently I have pretty high standards for women.

    4. I'm stingy as hell when it comes to everyday consumable items, but will spend heavily on clothes and other toys.

    5. I love drinking and texas hold'em.

    6. I can be extremely discerning in regards to my environment. I like to be surrounded by nice things and smart people.

    7. I love Nike Dunks.

    8. Thinks the 90's were pretty darn awesome. The original pokemon, teenage mutant ninja turtles, Power Rangers pretty much outdo any kids show on TV today.

    9. I love racial stereotypes as a form of humor.

    10. I am likely to be the shallowest and deepest individual you'll ever meet. I'm perfectly happy starting a conversation about T&A and ending on a debate about metaphysics or religion.
  7. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    lol no, that's "shui."

  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    what about the shirt that you wear under your shirt. If you were really a clean freak, you'd wear a shirt under that shirt to keep that shirt clean, and then a shirt under that shirt, and a shirt under... :ugh::ugh::ugh:
  9. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    I wear an infinite number of layers.

    No, I don't care about my undershirts. They're cheaper.
  10. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    1. born in HK then moved to aruba when i was three
    2. studied in london for eight years
    3. went to the best uni for mechanical eng in uk, then got kicked out after repeating the 1st yr twice
    4. took me 6yrs to get my mechanical eng bachelor degree in london
    5. want a japanese wife
    6. i can cook very very very well, i think, although i have poisoned myself several times when i was living in dorms
    7. restrained
    8. from the day i was born there is always a mercedes benz (some are second hand ofcourse) at home
    9. lazy
    10. otaku
  11. person

    person Well-Known Member

  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    im bored

    1) i have crazy insomnia
    2) i live in a kitchen
    3) i repeatedly have buyer's remorse
    4) im a lazy fuck
    5) im really athletic but have the worst stamnia
    6) i have a lot of black clothing but im far from emo
    7) people don't believe i was born in north america and think im born in hk
    8) im like the shyest person
    9) music is my life
    10) i like punany
  13. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    I wonder why :laugh2:
  14. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ that's because ppl here in kansas are racist =p
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    no ... since he's from taiwan .. "shuai" .. mandarin for "handsome" .. also kinda close to taiwanese "shui" as pretty (more fem which i don't think his mom thinks that) .. the taiwanese version for guy is "yen tao". lol

    1. love to eat all kind of food but my favorite one is VIETNAMESE.

    2. don't care for fashion trend and latest techies; spend most; if not all of my money on FOOD.

    3. hit the gym at night most of the time.

    4. like to swim but i am afraid to go to the pool these days. (STAY AWAY GAY)

    5. hate thanksgiving, christmas, and new year but love valentine and halloween

    6. betrayed by a close GIRL friend once that resulted in a lost of three precious friendships from grade school

    7. love to play soccer in the rain

    8. dislike being mistakened as CHINESE or JAPANESE

    9. listen to all kind of musics

    10. play the piano but i only remember one song "chase" by leslie cheung by heart
  16. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    1. Street Fighter II player
    2. Street Fighter III player
    3. Street Fighter IV player
    4. Tekken 3 player
    5. Tekken 4 player
    6. Tekken 5 & DR player
    7. Tekken 6 & BR player
    8. KOF 2000 player
    9. KOF 2001 player
    10. KOF 2002 player
  17. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    I thought you lived in Canada? :confused:

    Tekken -inlove
  18. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

  19. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    nawwwww..... i moved closer to u =p... i like missouri more

    and where your facts? lemme start it off
    1) idolize kdotc
  20. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    1. good looking (every guy has the right to think of this even if he is not) lol
    2. love social life
    3. hate people who beg for money
    4. i believe in effort not god will come and save me
    5. I like to watch bleach anime :D:D:D
    6. my nationality is chinese/thai
    7. don't fk with me, seriously lol.
    8. i love to make my friends and family happy ^^
    9. i can be logical when i want to be, other then that i act pretty carefree lol
    10. i never judge a person even if every one around me, dislike he or she, until i know the person for myself i will judge.
