No matter how nice, or sweet or "mature" they are when they're with you, they always act so annoying and immature or cocky around their friends. Why is that? Are they trying to be cool or something? The worst part is they don't know it bothers you too. -noclue
for some reason, i don't think i act like that but people say i look and act like a jerk if they don't know me. Other then that, the people who know me say :biggthumpup:
It's not just guys. Girls can be like that, too. We're different with our friends than we are with our gf/bf. I wouldn't say half the $hit I say to my friends to my gf. Unless your bf is whipped, he will act in a boys-will-be-boys manner when he's hanging out with his friends.
i act the way i usually do around my family and friends .. HOWEVER .. some people just don't like you and consider whatever you do .. a jerk, to be cocky, whatever ... when you're not one. everyone has different opinion.
i know a couple friends who are complete jerks only when there are girls around, they've never had a gf so when there are girls around they start to say and do disrespectful things n such just to make themselves look better... as soon as girls are gone they become normal again -ann yes i guess i sometimes do hang around a insecure losers i tell them that and they are like -shrug do i?! so ur right some guys are jerks only around girls do they act up to try to look "cool" in front of you.
Boys will be boys. They dont act like they do in front of their gf cause they dont want you to run off and be like i hate you! Cause you have to admit, boys love being immature at times or just having a lads thing where they talk about god knows what and stuff. I know a guy who acts like a total goof with his mates and stuff, but with his gf he is still a tiny bit of a goof but sweet and caring. So yeah.... x