anyways i was thinking maybe the deals thread should require a tag in the front like the ddl section [CAN] or [HK] or [US] whatever i don't think anyone would look at the flag.
Give the text option for strikeouts. I've tried <strike> and wrapping it in html code but it doesn't seem to work.
Hm I think there should be seperate sections for news and general topics (like topics that don't belong in the rant/love/health forum), instead of having them both under the Lounge area. It's kind of hard to navigate.
There is one, it's called "The Lounge" and "Off-Topic"
I know that, I meant news + lounge shouldn't be together. There should be a separate section for Global News and General Topics. The off-topic section doesn't increase post count, and seems exclusive to non-serious/silly topics created for fun.
I agree that the discussions around the forum needs to be re-worked and some sections needs to be added or modified like say on the top of my head an anime/manga chat section would need to be added to avoid spoilers and such etc in the anime dl section (even though the section isn't that active ヽ(´ー `)ノ). Also the site & contest section needs to be cleaned maybe with a help/support sub-forum instead of having member posting questions there along with site updates =p