I'm going to have to agree with b-lee. Its all a matter of where and how you search. There are forums out there that only upload to MU and not RS. However, RS is extremely common, that is undoubtedly true. If only mediafire didn't take down warez that fast...I love their service
yup, RS is most common for the things i look for but when i used to dload anime the sites i used where MU only, and the drama was RS only.
i havn't had to use such programs to get my stuff since the 56k days =p, when i want something its 2 files at most and its direct, i guess its only worth doing if u have a rapidshare premium account but if you're a smart surfer it's ez cakes to find whatever you want.
^only true if you have premium account. For most people, this isnt true! Many people such as myself is way too cheap to pay for anything that you can get for free.
yup if your doing free downloads then asides from torrents MU would be best cus it allows bigger size files to be used and happy hour is awesome. i am a smart surfer -smart but i got lazy now :Talktohand:, when my RS account runs out and i got no moneyz to subscribe ill have to go old skool again which involved me hating RS -hellothar.
Oh yeah nubs, this is Jan 2008 article but i realised when it was to late, like just before i clicked the submit thread button, RS made me lazy >.<. but its still interesting
lmao n0000000000000bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb hahahhahaha man next time link your articles so we can tell you how n00b u r before you find out yourself.
^ lol n0bzor, the date wasnt to important like a current event so it was fine, this turned into a decent thread anyway. so there!
i don't download from Rapidshare anyways because i can't resume them after downloading 90% and then my IP resets >.<