Are you guys going to take the swine flu vaccine?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by master_g, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. i would say the reason why we dont die from so many diseases is because of our level of hygiene in comparison to how it was a long time ago, nowadays it is slipping and we are paying the price.

    A doctor is on only human so thinking they always has your best interest at heart is wrong, also keep in mind, if a doctor wishes to keep his job he must recommend the vaccines he is told to recommend

    that sux, i pretty much hate vaccines, i am wondering if the swine jab is going to become compulsory, but hey, some drug companies are gona make billions out of this
    #21 master_g, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  2. hem

    hem Well-Known Member

    0 young and in the riskgroup.i could die from it.
    so yeah im gonna take the vaccine.
  3. scardy cat :p,

    just eat healthy (Y)

    i remmeber the time my gran got a normal flu jab........... never again lol, that stuff will kill ya if the actual flu doesnt
  4. hem

    hem Well-Known Member

    talk about being misinformed about the riskgroups,
    young people with no immunity against the flu will die and or be alot more sicker than the some of the elderly people since they had it before.but other people with certain healthissues like heartproblem or more aggressive diseases will get sicker or die.
    well i never had any kind of flus before so im not protected against this kind of
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    you don't listen to you DOCTOR, you listen to your OWN BODY. like master-g said, docs are just humans .. they too can make mistakes. with rising malpractice premium and shit, doc will order anything to save their own asses .. which make sense. you can be paying for a lot of unncessary testings. don't believe me, if you notice in the US, most doc form only use "finding, appears, etc." ... very ambigous terms because no one want to bare the legal responsiblity if the diagnosis is wrong.

    in my situation, had i listened to my doc, i would've taken 2-3 type of immuno suppressant drugs cocktails which can lead to even more problems when i had none to begin with. i could've gone under the knife and remove part of my intestine .. so yeah...

    that's not to say .. all the internet advice are trustworthy... you just gotta sort through and take it however you want.
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Er... the idea of a vaccine is to introduce a benign or non lethal version of the virus to your immune system, stimulating it to produce anitbodies against that disease. If and when you actually contract the disease later, your body is already prepared to pump out antibodies to destroy that virus.

    But if you're going to wait until you actually contract the disease, you're essentially rendering any benefit of the vaccine moot.

  7. Thats the idea but in reality it doesn't always work out like that. imo they are just dumping a load of vaccinations on us, stock that wasn't used up from the last 'lab disease' which had a shelf life of 3 years i believe.

    im sure it takes about several years testing to make sure its safe, but the NHS are gona pop it out in 5 days. -unsure

    laboratory made diseases sux big time :Talktohand:
  8. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    the flu vaccine was out ages ago, its the same stuff they used against bird flu

    anyways i just gotta lol at your logic on vaccines. that is all.

  9. yup, tamiflu has a 3 year shelf life and they had massive surplus so they have to dump it on us and turn this cash sink into lotsa moneyz.

    Spanish flu anyone?

    Hurt die me la
    #29 master_g, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Before you folks fret about something that is likely going to remain relatively benign, here's something to really wring your hands over:

    What is Ebola?
    And what can it do (
    Read more here)?: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (CDC Special Pathogens Branch)

    As for taking the Swine Flu Vaccine? Sure, a non-issue for me.
  11. ahhh well, i aint afraid -woot2
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I am legend
  13. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member


    early stages of vaccine may have severe side effects

    e.g. the rush to make a vaccine in the last pandemic

    and about the ebola, wth we are like in a crises saga or some thing..
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: