Help! How to ease the pain from pulling wisdom teeth

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by renegade_cash, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    I just had my wisdom teeth pulled a couple of hours ago and the pain is excruciating... its making me so angry. Is there anything i can do? Painkillers and ice arent doing enough. :(
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    r u sureee....maybe u should wait for painkillers to kick in... i had painkillers last time n they worked for me... do u have the powdery thing that tastes a it orangy?

    i think thats the only thing to to for the swollen bit... n painkillers for pain... dun worry... it'll be over in a day or 2
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Tylenol 3's
  4. Ibuprofen dude, its the only stuff that works for teeth (for me). only use it for a couple days though, it thins your blood.
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^yeaaa..... thats the stuff i meant... did the job for me too... round two soon... have been postponing it for 2 years
    now i finally decided to get it done in august... better now than too late when its infected :(
  6. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    my initial reply would be to eat ice cream or ice lolly ^^
  7. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Usually the pain killers that the dentist give you with the needle works right away...but it those hadn't work yet, try Ice cream, the cold in your mouth should ease the pain...
  8. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    ice cream should divert your senses/attention away because you are eating something quite nice and the coldness will give that freeze effect on the painful part. it wont last like medicines but at first it will help unless you have several tubs of ice cream ^^

  9. Haha, i dont have any wisdom teeth, im so so glad about that, yeah get it done before it gets infected, much more pain then.
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    your dentist didn't give you a prescription for any meds?

    You should be able to get Tylenol 1's over the counter. Usually they are kept behind the pharmacy and you just gotta ask for em. Nothin like some codeine to mellow out the pain... and make you constipated.
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    how was your wisdom tooth? did it have cavity and stuff .. really bad before it was extracted?? what was the extraction process .. eg. gum surgery?

    if there's any cut to the gum line, the doc usually order tetracycline and tylenol 500 mg or tylenol w/ codeine. not sure if they're authorized to prescribe vicodin.
  12. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    Yea... ibuprofen is the stuff the dentist gave me... but it doesnt seem to be helping... im having consistent pain in my jaw and its giving me a splitting headache.
  13. ^whats the strength, if ur in the uk go and buy this from boots or superdrug but remember these strong painkillers have side effects, thinning of your blood being the main one so you dont want to use it to much. i personally took the pain during the day and had the tabs at night so i could sleep and the sleep allowed it to fix up.

  14. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    You might want to call that dentist up or go back there now to see what's going on and if they can do something for the pain. It might be something more serious.

    My friend had his wisdom tooth taken out but it wasn't a clean pull, so a piece of the tooth was still left in it so the pain remained till he got it out.
  15. ^to soon, its only been a few hours

    dude its super raw atm, hang in there lol.
  16. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member


    No it was not diseased or anything but the dentist had a very hard time pulling it out, he said they were long and sharp and something with the roots that made it especially difficult... not sure what a cut to the gumline is either... the dentist didnt mention it so im assuming no?

    As for the strength, i have no clue... it says APO-IBUPROFEN.

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone, i went and bought some ice cream... its helping a bit when i eat it but pain comes back as soon as i stop T-T
  17. DKNY

    DKNY Well-Known Member

    get a stripper to take ur attention away from ur pain
  18. mingbill

    mingbill Well-Known Member

    im glad mine went well when i had it pulled out no swell or anything
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    ibuprofin is just Advil. I'd say go get yourself some Tylenol 1's. couple of those will knock you right out. :Talktohand:
  20. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    just take it like a man lol and just keep sleeping...thats wat i did and i never used the syringe i forgot wat that does