shes probably dating the boyfriend to get you jealous. if not its cuz shes unsure about ur feelings. u should confess to her and see how it goes
thats a good way to cool your head mate headbang2 but either way make sure u know she still has feelings for you b4 letting her know u like her. coz even if she sees you as a friend only you can always be there for her when things go bad with her bf. that way you'll eventually get her in the end -^_^ thats if your committed to her like you said -tongue2
*update well recently i found out shes actually not that interested into her bf, because her bf is vietnamese and shes chinese so they do have this little barrier since they have different interests (music, humor, activities etc.)... apparently last night she tried breaking up with him over the phone.. but her bf was persistent, and told her that she cant leave him and started crying and shit.. shes a sympathetic person so she started crying too because she didnt want to hurt him. In the end she just gave in and they just got back together again.. even though she doesnt really want to. She told my friend that since she cant pick between me and her bf, shes not gonna pick and just stay the way she is now.. :( i called her today to ask if she was alright, she said she was fine, but i could tell by her voice she cried alot last night, or might even still be crying, she didnt seem to have wanted to talk to me though, maybe shes in a bad mood or she just doesnt want to have anythign to do with me anymore :( i feel like shit now... :( she means alot to me but i never even had the chance to tell her i liked her
^ ehm....thats kinda lame.... first of all... breaking up on the phone is anyway.... just cuz a person cries u cant break up? right.... it doesnt work like that in the real world... tell her to stop being "sympathetic" n just break up with the guy.... "tor tor lai lai" is no use at all... shes only dragging time now n giving him and her a hard time... she decided to break up so she should just go ahead n dont let him try n manipulate her by crying... in the end shes leaving him anyway
Agree, *cheung tong but yu tuun tong*, but if you tell her to say that to that guy. Won't it make you being the bad guy? To, also stated she isn't really in the mood to talk about this matter, so maybe isn't the right time to to put pressure on her. *She told my friend that since she cant pick between me and her bf, she’s not going to pick and just stay the way she is now.. * If she ain't going to take any actions, you should take the lead. Why not tell her you like her? Since you already got a *no*, you can always try to get a *yes*. Words don't mean anything if you don't put them to action.
Right now, she might need some time for herself to think. But you need to have a good chat with her, let her know, she needs to go with her heart and dragging on with a relationship that she's no more interested in anymore will only hurt more. Don't pressure her too much, just let her know that you care/support her decision and that you'll be there for her.
jeez.......dramatic stories again T_______T If it's not right, IT'S NOT GONNA BE AIGHT. 電視教落,勉強無幸福 You should tell her to break up w/ that Viet dude, & go to have a little break-up chat w/ her & that dude. Tell that dude she doesn't like him as much as she likes you. gotta be sturdy in relationship issue. Not feeling right? It's not aiight!!! you don't wanna regret again
Ok first things first, i didn't tell her to do anything to her bf OR telling her to break up with him there were several occasions of her asking me on the phone if she should break up with him or not but i wouldnt give her an answer because i dont want to be the "third person" and break a couple apart, however when she told me she decided she would break up with her bf, she said she would do it on the phone, and i told her if youre gonna break up you should do it in person because thats the proper way to end it. But she still didn't listen :S I cant tell her i like her because i dont want to interrupt their relationship.. i was going to tell her i always had feelings for her after they broke up, but they ended up together again. Should i really tell her my feelings while she has a bf? And after what i heard from my friend about her saying that she "Wouldn't pick either because she cant choose", it makes me feel that theres nothing more i can do...
YOU SHOULD TELL HER, for the sake of a chance & a right choice for her. Her relationship with that guy is not right at the first place, you're not being the 3rd person, in some way, you're the savior, you're saving the normal relationship between the two, they can't be lovers, they can still be friends. One thing is, if she really likes you, she would've decide already. You should tell her how you feel, then see how she reacts. If she's still unsure, give it up, it's not gonna be right for u two. That's all you can do
You know what's so pathetically funny about this, that is, these kinds of stories; a la what should I do, and what about this and that, am I trying too little or too hard... blah, blah, blah. I have a friend since the 4th grade (and most of you know I'm a bit older, so that's like a lifetime ago, LOL... ), and he's exactly like that. That is, introspective, second guessing, always trying to strategize; to come off as romantic but be really cool and nonchalant about it; always the planner, attempting to make things looks spontaneous but actually had it all laid out beforehand. He's been this way ever since we were kids. Guess what? He's ALONE. He's never had a long term relationship, never lived with anyone aside from his parents (when they were still alive), and is now nearly retired. If the OP of this thread really wants to know what regret is; my friend is a prime example. The moral of this is that sometimes, for better or worse, you just have to act, not think. Otherwise, life may literally pass you by. It doesn't matter that she still has feelings for the other guy, feels sorry for him, owes him a liver, et cetera. NONE of that matters. The only thing that should matter is, DO YOU WANT HER OR NOT? End of discussion. Use it or lose it. Regret should be a word in the other guy's vocabulary, not yours.
thanks for the replies ralphrepo i know where youre coming from, but just doing something and not thinking about the consequences isnt always the best thing to do ive been friends with this girl for awhile now and in a way i always tend to think in her shoes before i do anything, because i hate it when i see her sad and shit, i always come to think it's my fault shes crying when it even isnt. If i tell her now, not only will it ruin it for the two of them, but im putting more pressure on her to choose between me or the other guy, but at the same time according to her friend she already decided to not choose either. Do you think the girl said that just because shes so stressed about it right now, or does she really mean shes not gonna choose either? Yes i want her, but how should i approach her to tell her now, especially if shes so stressed about it and me not even knowing if she's gonna choose anymore?
Er... You ain't been listening... You're still second guessing... DING!! Times up; you lost; move along now... NEXT PLAYA!
If she cant choose.... she just doesnt like u enough... u bet ur ass when a girl likes u she will know n she will chooseee
in my opinion, u should tell her yours feelings only if u know she kinda still likes u and that she doesnt really like her boyfriend, only when u know that for sure then its ok to break them up, its not about its bad to break up a couple but think about it, what if she was happier with u ? would u keep quiet and let them be together ? definitly give it a try
hmmm, my roommate had the same experience like yours. first of all, stealing someone girlfriends is wrong and i think you feel the same way after reading your posts. i mean you might be hurting right now, but time will heal the wounds for you and that girl. give it some time, just be there to support her if you really like her. i mean, even if you can't be girl friend or boy friends don't mean you can't be best friends. i mean you are still young, trust me, think of it as a growing up stage. i think you are near the college phase, you will experience a lot of change when you go to college and with a car. if this girl is really meant to be, you will get with her in the future. i think for now, just let time do it magic, go out more, meet new people(you never know you might meet someone better). JUST DON"T BEAT YOURSELF UP ON THE SITUATION!!!
tell her that you will always be there for her and you will wait for her. that will melt her heart trust me hahah
man i say do it, i admit regret is alot worse then being turned down... trust me ...regret is the worst thing cuz it bothers u for a long time....