it's been contained successfully by 2006, it wont disappeared forever, after all the virus might evolve into something more dangerous that will harm the human race once again. only if swine flu is as dangerous as SARS, or even worse, then every country will force its citizens to inject vaccine (of cuz it has to be effective & harmless, we dont wanna be like those monsters in I Am Legend). Although SARS vaccines are developed & some of the tested people developed antibodies against SARS, it didn't work for the VERY SICK patients. Swine flu vaccine, BS. If it's treated as serious as SARS, i'm sure it's gonna be fine.
lmao conspiracy theory we have here! if the swine vaccine were mandatory i'd def take it, doctors are out to help not kill (although they my be wrong at times this is a vaccine not a chemo option) so throw away your conspiracy theory, u might feel a little ill for a day or 2 but its probably not going to kill you. Sure beats catching the real thing and possibly dying from it, its as simple as that, have some faith in doctors and the government not what some whack cultists/22 year old renegade youtube doctor and their conspiracy theories think. If you personally know anyone who knows anyone that died from a vaccine in this day and age then please let me know and i'd shut my mouth. if it wasn't mandatory then i probably wouldn't unless a doctor recommended me on the spot because that would mean the risk is not high.
He's a bit of info just so you folks that live across the way have a bit more info for piece of mind. "Vaccination Kills: Deaths resulting from medical trials for a vaccine to the H5N1 bird-flu virus." Of course no vacine is 100% safe but these cases arn't suprising to me. Watch these videos below. Part 1: [video=youtube;IFcnneAqnTM]"[/video] Part 2: [video=youtube;-9Bvf9AaC-4]"[/video]
trials, its expected as people volunteer to be tested an untested treatment and yes usually any medicine has small side effects but mostly on a small percentage of the population thats why there is usually a precaution for a risk group, 4000 outta millions is a pretty safe number. Just because something is government recommmended people go all up in arms about it, there must be a conspiracy behind everything. Do you really think the government would risk the lives of millions of people without knowing that its safe? It's all in good nature and mistakes happen at times but for the most part its common sense they are not out there to hurt you but rather help and protect you from what happens to be the real killer, the swine flu not the government or your doctor, you'd might as well not take advice from any doctor from now on. this is all speaking as "if" the swine vaccines were MANDATORY
^ahhh you're making everyone worry like those youtube vids did (or concern, not necessary worry) if i really get infected & died, i'll curse this post on my death bed
^ no, im providng information that i belive is true, its not the conventional stuff the government tells you and anything they dont tell you is a conspiracy which is fine. there is plenty stuff out there, charges have even made against the president and the others involved for this biological weapon but the controlled media doesnt cover it but its all there. i hope you dont get infected, its not nice, but if you did i think would be the last thing on your mind, same with the rest of us :angel: Dont think im just trying to scare you though, if anything ill present what i belive but im not going to argue about it or react to name calling, look into it or dismiss it, if im wrong then that is a good thing for everyone, im im correct then nobody here can say they wasnt told.
Just think of it this way more people die each and every year from the common cold than this swine flu and there isn't even a vacine for swine flu yet..
Now that you mention it, I do recalled watching the new on CCTV that the Chinese Gov't is coming out with the swine vaccine. Another reason to be caution about.>.<
fuck it and lets do it yes there are problems with the vaccines but isn't it natural for us to wanting to be selfish and survive? even if we were told what was in it none of us will know unless we are some brainy chemist who knows what is in it that will cause us to get worse or whatever..
^ let us know how it goes the long term damage this thing causes will be interesting, the suppliers of these vaccines getting total immunity from any charges when things go wrong is a smart smove tbh. and thetre is more.. but i cant remmeber cus i just woke up. the whole point of this flu is and its propaganda is to get people to do what they normally would not do. Reminds me of that speach about the whole world pulling togeather if there was an alien threat.
ima get some collodial silver, that stuff is teh epic, just dont neck it like it was coka cola or youll end up looking like them guys from WoW