A Chinese bus company is equipping its vehicles with bricks for passengers to use to break windows in an emergency. The bricks, painted yellow with "emergency use" written on both sides, are stored under the driver's seat and under a rear seat. "It's easy for passengers to spot them, and use them to break the window if something happened," said a spokesman for the Harbin Public Transport Company. The company had stopped providing passengers with safety hammers to break windows as they were always being stolen. "We don't think anybody will be interested in stealing bricks," the spokesman added. Bricks have so far been installed on several bus routes in a pilot scheme in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province, reports Northeast Network. But the company says it will equip all 700 of its buses with the bricks if feedback from passengers is positive. Source: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_3409198.html?menu=news.quirkies
I don't think people will steal the brick for sure... but I'm pretty darn sure people would use it as a weapon
imagine all those delinquents just picking up those bricks and just throw at each other in the bus. it'll be a real stoning
dont the bars crossing the windows prevent people from climbing out, especially if the person isnt in their youth?
this is a wonderful tool for me to survive in a bus emergency because for me, i would have no time to read the instruction how to lift the window up whatever, BANG!! safe. (at least that's what i think....)
That's just so ghetto, there has got to be a better way than a brick. Foreigners will be taking a pic of this in the journey in China...Great story to tell the friends about, guess what interesting things we saw.....magic brick <_<
What's really missing from this thread is that no one pick up on the fact that the window glass in the buses then could NOT be safety (laminated) glass (you can't smash through safety glass). Another safety on the cheap feature brought to you by the folks that gave you tainted milk powder and earthquake proof schools. >.< So, I guess in this case a brick is better than nothing. Like, hey... at least they did do something didn't they? :laugh:
oh man those look cool LOL. i would collect those ;] but isnt it a hazard?? like what if the bus goes into an accidnet, then bricks could be flying everywhere!
you would collect them? let me paint a bunch of bricks and you buy em from me, yea? : D lol this is so ghetto.
lol that's what the hammer was originally for. and i highly doubt you would need an instruction manual to use a hammer lol