So I recently purchased a $105 Juicy Couture handbag on eBay and discovered that it was fake upon receiving it. Here are the images that the user provided I own enough authentic handbags from Juicy to be able to distinguish the real from the fake, but I was stupid not to have noticed the poor quality of the leather in these photos. Real Juicy handbags are made with 100% cow leather, which is not rough looking like the one displayed above. Also, because real leather is very soft and pliable, there tends to be a lot of creases, which the "leather" in the photos lack. The smell of the fake bag is also a dead giveaway (you know the smell of cheap, synthetic leather you'd find at those Asian counterfeit stores). That said, the seller did not specify that the item was authentic on her listing, but a Juicy Couture TAG was attached to the item and mentioned in the description, which is enough reason for a buyer to believe that they are bidding on an authentic item. Anyway, I just wrote an email to the seller requesting for my money back and threatened to report them to the police if conditions are not met. However, I really doubt I'll be getting my money back, in which case, I'll just have to take this as a lesson learned the hard way. But sh1tt.... $105 down the drain. This is the first time I've been jerked on eBay, and I've made many expensive purchases in the past. I guess I should have been less impulsive and reviewed the listing more carefully. I usually don't buy from sellers who have less than 200 positive feedback comments and a "no return" policy, but I don't know why I was so careless this time around. UGHHH... -censored The seller did have 100% positive feedback, but only from 15 users. Just a warning to (potential) eBay buyers out there..... be extremely cautious when making bids through eBay! Make sure the person has a substantial amount of good feedback (FROM BUYERS, not just from SELLERS), that they clearly state their item as 100% AUTHENTIC, and fully accept returns before placing a bid. Okay. I'm off to go take this out on the person who's lucky enough to be in my vicinity at the moment.
T______________________T whoa.......that totally sucks. so far i havent been jerked yet, everything i bought is real & in excellent quality (new) cow leather.....poor cows hope u got ur $$ back, bless'ya
Yikes. Hopefully you can get your money back. I've heard horror stories like this all the time with fake headphones on ebay. This is why I usually pony up the extra cash and buy it from a reputable store. FWIW: The bag looks real to me. *Shrugs*
hope you get your money back but it's not likely to happen cause these people do this for a living. A reason I also don't bid on ebay or any site. If I get ripped off, I'll be going head hunting...:rl:
i was in a similar situation as you. i was desperate for a phone back then and found a n95 for decent prices well cheaper then what i can get here. anyways everything looked legit and stuff and i bid on it and won the bet. I quickly paid with my paypal because i wanted the item right away but after i found out it was possibly fake. It stated that wifi did not work but i thought its a common thing and flashing the phone would make wifi work. I then asked the seller if it was from rogers or not and hes like no and at that time i knew it was fake. I did A LOT of research stating why the item is fake and that it is illegal to sell counterfeit items and stated what would classify as a counterfeit item. Well i warned the seller not to ship it because i was going to complain if i did not get my money back. After a few weeks i got my paypal charges reversed and i dont know what happened to the seller. Well basically it's your words against the sellers and you should take pics and find info before opening a dispute with paypal and ebay. dont let the seller get away with it and just fight for your money back so you can buy something else. just do a lot of research and have facts to back up your points =)
^ Take Kdoct's advice there and don't let the seller get away. I have learned a good lesson in the past; not from online retailers or resellers but a CHINESE travel agency. For those who travel .. stay the hell away from the Chinese agency that fails to spell out the full contract and itinerary.
damn...that sucks!>.< i do go on ebay and bid, but I never would bid or buy any luxury items from ebay, since I rather get it from the store, or buy it online from the actual store instead since you can see what your getting. well good luck in getting your money back!
you one thing you dont buy on ebay is designer clothing or bags and such, well that aint the one thing cus mobiles are even worse.
UPDATE! The girl emailed me back quickly after I'd sent out the message and this is what she said "I purchased this from a retailer who says it it authentic. however if you are unhappy with the item I will be happy to refund your purchase. please send the bag back and I will gladly refund your money. thanks you can ship it to *insert address*" lol, I think she got scared because I threatened to report her to the police (she resides in the US). I got lucky. -^_^ Being an avid fan of eBay, I've made numerous purchases in the past, ranging from video games to jewelry to handbags, and have been very satisfied until now. I know there's a first time for everything, but really....when you've purchased many authentic items that were retailing for $200+ for just half the price (sometimes less), it's hard to want to pay full price for similar items ever again. I once bought a Gucci wallet that cost over $600 in stores, on eBay for $250 and had it confirmed by a professional as authentic. You really do get some amazing deals sometimes, but I can see why certain people wouldn't want to gamble with their luck. Good for you. We both got lucky, because I've heard of counterfeit sellers who've refused to make refunds and PayPal not giving a damn. Apparently, if the seller did not list the item as "AUTHENTIC", we, as buyers, are supposed to assume that it is a fake, which is pure BS.
Glad the seller replied with the offer of a refund, but make sure you get her to reimburse your shipping charges Even if it is not marked as "Authentic", I'm pretty sure Ebay is against counterfeit goods This is the UK rules The seller has already broken the rules by listing the fake product. I'm pretty sure Paypal will be on your side this time, you should start a dispute with Paypal anyways, just to make sure everything happens as it should and the seller cannot withdraw the funds
Translation.. Lol ok you got me, don't call the police, they are gona end up tracking me down through paypal and kicking my door down for selling counterfeit goods on the internet plus ill end up getting sued, im an ebay pirate not a jail bird. Just send the bag back and ill give you your money, if the person i resell it to threatens me with the police then i think im gona have to stop hustling on ebay. Thank you very much
You be surprise how many fake items are on e-bay... However, quite often, when you report them, the would have a full refund.. 1) it would damage their reputation 2) they could get into serious trouble So unless that person sell an item and receive money and fly across the world, you'll be more than likly to get your money back if you be fraud...
so...cuz she resides in the US that's why she got scared? LOL! i think ur case has warned me not to buy anything $$ on eBay. The most $$ i got from eBay was guitar hero 3...that's it. i was planning to bid on the UGG "authentic" (the logo is real to me...) then i saw this thread .......>.<
I never buy "brand" stuff on Ebay either... actually ive never bought anything on those kinda sites for that matter... i just dont trust that kinda stuf... the only thing id consider buyin from those kinda websites are prob small things that are worth a few bucks... too scared of getting scammed :(
this has happened to me as well wen i brought a arsenal jersey it says its real on the listing and the photos were legit but wen i recieved it everything was wrong such as the nike logo being backwards and the EPL logo missing the crown But it didnt cost as much as yours XD and the seller was really cooperative wen i asked for my money back