Which burner software is free and good for me to use to burn DVD's? Also need to be able to convert AVI files. I tried DVD Flick but the DVDs never finish playing on my DVD player, it freezes half way.
it stops halfway depends on how fast you are burning and if you are doing something else on the computer other than burning as well; if you bought ur dvd burner it some come with a free version of either Nero Essentials or Roxio; those do NOT allow you to convert video (i think); i would suggest you dl WinAVI, that software will allow you to convert anything and just use the software you have no or get Nero 9 to burn your files;
I have tried burning my avi files without any other programs open and it doesn't work, it still freezes, I don't think it's my DVD's; they're Sony.
Nero is NOT totally free, the basic version aka Essentials (and the other smaller program like InCD, Visions) are ONLY when you buy purchase the dvd burner that came with it as OEM, not the Nero 9 and other plug-ins thou
LOL, i think OP should change to dvd burning "software" to use; when i first read, i thought OP is asking for which brand of dvd burner to use
Imageburn is the best, I never have problem with any of my dvds and it's also free. The best converter is VSO. Convert your files into dvds with VSO and burn them into dvds with imageburn is the best combo. http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
I believe Nero is going to release a free version of their software. don't know how much function they will removed from that version.
the free is only basic copying cd/dvds and will not allow you to burn DVD Video according to its descriptions... http://www.nero.com/eng/downloads-nero9-free.php
nero used to be a quite handy software but now the size keeps getting bigger from one version to another. Starburn from RocketDivision is the one i found quite light and dependable here is the link http://www.rocketdivision.com/download_starburn.html you can make iso, burn cd/dvd data and/or video. I suppose any standard feature of nero, starburn has it also if you want to convert your files to dvd (mpeg files), I would suggest WinAvi or ConvertXtoDVD (find them in this forum)