It depends on the context. If she mentions him in passing, like "One time I was at this party with my boyfriend, and..." then you should be ok. Simply ignore and continue with your game. Forget disrupting his. It's only when she uses the boyfriend to counter an advance by you that you're screwed (figuratively). EX. If you try to kiss her and she says, "I have a boyfriend" then she's rejected you, which leaves you with several options: 1) Stick around for a few more minutes then leave. 2) Respond with: "Congratulations! Anyway, (and continue from where you left off)" 3) Respond with: "I have an ipod." This would imply that she's the one thinking about doing the dirty, not you. You just wanna hang out. Keep the seduction under the table, if she sees intent, you've done something wrong. Sex "just happens" in the heat of the moment. She doesn't want to make a conscious decision like, "I intend to cheat on my boyfriend." Up to you to decide which option to take. Of course, keep in mind that if the bitch cheats on her BF with you, then chances are she'll cheat on you, too.
Then you better lie and SAY you have a fucking iPod. Girls don't have sex with guys who don't have iPods.
ehm wait...m i dumb or? ehm...whyd she date u if she has a bf n why would u wanna date a girl who has a bf.... lol...dont take her serious shes probably just an unfaithful dirtyyyyy! u dun want a chick like that to b ur gf....
hahahahaha I just read about girl mentioning her bf on a date, in that case, stab her, deflower her, she's asking for it -devil
I think a lot of people come to this SECTION on the FORUMS seeking more genuine help and advice. My thing is, to get it out. Maybe it can be a timing issue, but if this worry lingers, than you should definitely talk about it w/ her. If she values you, she'd listen and if both of you can talk things out to where your heart finds comfort, then you know she cares. However, if she doesn't, then maybe, just maybe she doesn't care for you that much. Really, listen to your heart. You can't change her past, and everyone has a past.
I don't know man... if you listen to half the people here... they're probably gonna end up dead... but on the other hand, the other half might be helpful
punch her in the face knock her out bag her up and take home in all seriousness... that's probably a sign of a bad date.
I meant, even as myself. People who post here come here because it's a neutral party. There are no biases like that of their friends and etc. They want someone to talk to. Simply put, I'm just saying people should be compassionate in the replies, especially if they are in cry for help. I know some replies are stupid and idiotic, but I'm just saying.
Majority of the people on this forum that post often are pretty young. I wouldn't expect any amazing worldly advice from them. No offense intended.