Japan: Then and Now

Discussion in 'Japanese Chat' started by fearless_fx, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^lol thats cuz ur gay lor.... *sigh* u dun get it do u.... mind u ur the only guy so far who says their manly LOL
    btw the guy next to the one far left on top looks like a chick all the way! the rest just gay la...oh btw... their eyebrows r plucked wayyyy to nicely... like GIRLS
    #41 MissCheekS, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  2. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Roflmao... Eyebrows pluck too nicely.. that made my day
  3. reflection

    reflection Well-Known Member

    The Yunosuke "guy" could almost pass as a stunt double for Sammy Cheng if she'd ever do an action flick, and if this "guy" is any less frail. That said, there could be some potentially "pretty" guys that could enter the realm of cool that is Cloud. Heh.

    About the women in the workforce topic, there's this inherent logic that I've come to terms with. At the very top of the ladder, it is mostly dominated by men, but right below that level is an ever increasing number of female workers. That being these women offering competitive work performance over rival men in their positions while carrying the physical attractiveness, allow them to be selected for promotion by the men at the top of the chain. So, you have to have substantially more valuable working ability as a man to take the position. The opposite will not happen nearly as often because the ladies have to preserve their image, as they are scrutinized a lot more in this regard Anyways, I'm probably way overgeneralizing and stereotyping, don't mind me. =P
  4. Apple_Kwan

    Apple_Kwan Member

    I just can't help it. There super Kawaii (cute) So pretty to look at even if I cant have one.:p
  5. its lesbianism, basically girls who like girls but look for it in a man
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^did you just say lesbians?:naughty: or butches<_< or lady boys<_<
  7. i duno, all 3 mixed or something:facepalm:
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    butches scare me cuz when i see their face i always think i entered the wrong toilet n then i see their chest n m like oooooooooooowwww..... ok =/
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    haha loser you'll get ganged up in the bath room then your scared....lol i'd probably have the same reaction if i see a transvestite standing up and peeling in the stool actually i'll probably gtfo.-lol
  10. sonicbreeze

    sonicbreeze Well-Known Member

    a great transformation huh...ppl r getting trendy nowadays.