The BIG IRONY of westerners this days

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by ProudAsianGuy, Aug 21, 2009.



  1. I agree with this topic

  2. It is a shame for us westerners

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  3. I'm an american, I really regret we nuke Japanese

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  4. Please forgive us american for nuking Japanese

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  1. ProudAsianGuy

    ProudAsianGuy New Member

    There seems to be more and more westerners this days who are obsessed over Asians because of the influence of Asians Anime, Asians video games, Asians Cosplay, Asians drama and many other Asians stuff. Especially the westerners who :
    - Who wish to live in Asia
    - Who wish to marry with Asian
    - Who prefer to Cosplay as Anime or other Asian characters rather than cartoon or other western characters, evidence =
    - Who prefer to change their western name into Asian name
    - The most worse one is the one who wish to be Asian

    Do all of their western parents or teachers never teach them who :
    - Who keep invading Asians for hundreds of years with 3G colonizations?
    - Who massacre Japanese by mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc?
    - Who invade Vietnam?
    - Who invade Iraq with lies of "mass destruct weapons"?
    - And all the terrible things their western peoples did to Asians to this day?
  2. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    We kinda got the point, you can really stfu now <3
  3. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    It's funny that you think only Asian and Americans cosplay.

    You're so closed minded.

    Can't we ban this idiot already?
  4. Why do you keep saying asia, its a big place, very very broad??, i think its because youll be excluded yourself if you say Japan as your Indonesian so you have to be as broad as possible.

    lol you fail, the funny thing is your the biggest wanabe on the net, you wanabe Japanese but your not so you have to generalize it to 'asia' to make yourself feel Japanese and part of the anime scene, i bet nobody likes you too.

    Oh my oh my, fail fail fail.
  5. ProudAsianGuy

    ProudAsianGuy New Member

    You just jealous of our lovely Asian females.

    "pukes on you"
  6. asia includes middle east too

    so you should be proud of middle easterns as well ^^

    actually, i find it ironic that this douchebag says he is proud of all asians, but when it comes to asian people talking to him, he doesn't want to have anything to do with him...

    oh the irony of the irony
  7. DragonBuster

    DragonBuster Well-Known Member

    this guy is so amazing, he is even better than me... I am wordless... retiring.
  8. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    & i dont understand his point of we being jealous at Asian females/males, when basically everyone here is Asian. 自相矛盾。Then he has nothing strong to fight back besides telling us he pukes on us "severely". Oh well, internet. If you're this awesome, why don't you write a strong essay with strong thesis & examples to prove your point.

    that's fucking hilarious

    ya gotta learn from the best hahahaha
  10. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    He needs an IP ban.
  11. Obsessed? :nuts:
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    didn't this guy have the exact same thread like 6 months ago or so?
  13. ^ yeah its the same guy, google his name, he is documented. trolls all the forums.
  14. zylo

    zylo Well-Known Member

    too much:wackit::wackit:

    warped his mind :nuts:

    whyd i google his name

    my head is filled with proganda rubbish now. hes like an asian hitler or something.
    #15 zylo, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    - Who keep invading Asians for hundreds of years with 3G colonizations?

    Answer: Other Asians. Thousands of years of various Chinese dynasties killed billions in the Asian continent throughout history. Europeans were actually fairly late in the game.

    - Who massacre Japanese by mass kill over 100.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo using napalm bombs, mass kill over 500.000 innocent Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nuclear bombs, mass kill over 50.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 20.000 innocent Japanese in Okinawa, mass rape over 10.000 innocent Japanese in Tokyo, mass rape over 3.200 innocent Japanese in Kyoto, etc?

    The atomic bombs directly killed roughly 100,000 people in both cities combined. Another 100,000 to 150,000 succumbed to either wounds or radiation poisoning after. Your figure of "over 500,000" is probably a bit over the top. Most of the mass killings in Okinawa were perpetrated by the Imperial Japanese Army, who force Okinawans to commit mass suicide for fear that they may help the Americans. Japanese told native Okinawans that the Americans would eat their children. Further, the IJA forced Okinawans into uniform to fight against the Americans. Many decided to surrender, and instead, helped identify Japanese that were hiding in civilian clothing, by speaking to them in their native Okinawan dialect. Japanese who didn't speak Okinawan were thus exposed to US troops.

    Post war rape by US forces did indeed occur and was initially rampant, with one prefecture reporting over 1000 rapes in just 10 days. Alarmed Japanese officials then engineered comfort brothels, similar to those used for IJA troops, in order to decrease the chances that sex seeking US troops would go canvassing house to house. So an entire network of brothels was set up by the Japanese themselves strictly for the use of sex hungry American GIs. This lasted until the early part of 1946, when MacArther (head of the occupation government), fearing bad publicity should the US public find out, put a stop to the organized Japanese prostitution.

    Oh, and your use of the word innocent? Some of the Japanese killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were actually soldiers, hence they were not innocent but were legitimate military targets. But I know that the word "innocent" is used here purely to sensationalize the topic; like gee, you used it a total of six times in one sentence. :kekekegay:

    - Who invade Vietnam?

    Answer? China, who had backed and supported Pol Pot and his murderous Khmer Rouge regime. China did this because they wanted to have more local influence to counter the Soviets, who had extensively supported the Vietnamese against the Americans. Afterwards, China was afraid of Soviet expansionism along its southern borders as well as northern. So it politically and militarily supported a madman, who incidentally ethnic cleansed and killed many Vietnamese that were living in Cambodia. Many expat Viet refugees returned to Vietnam. Vietnam then invaded Cambodia to get rid of him, spoiling the PRC plans for political influence there. The PRC then launched an invasion into Vietnam in 1979, ostensibly to teach the Viets a lesson. There is a lot of controversy as to who really won that conflict so I won't belabor it, but the Chinese did not convince the Viets to quit Cambodia. However, since the Soviets never did come to help the Viets as promised, China quit after a few weeks proclaiming they "taught Vietnam a lesson." Thereafter, the PLA underwent a major revamping. The most significant was that instead of only platoon leaders being fitted with an AK47 (the rest had single shot rifles) every soldier from that point on was given one.


    Prior to the Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1979, VN's history had been series of dynastic takeovers, starting most notably with the Ming Chinese. After Ming China itself was conquered by the Manchurians (who proclaimed themselves to be the Qing dynasty), remnants of many Han Chinese who opposed them fled into Annam (meaning "pacified south" in Chinese), then still considered a part of China. The Qing failed to exert complete control over the region, and finally lost it to the French in the Sino-French war of 1884-1885. France had already annexed most of the Southern parts, at that time, known as Cochinchina. Their taking of the north cemented the region (including the Laotian, Sukhothai, and Khmer kingdoms) into what then became known collectively as French IndoChina. This area, remained relatively under French control and domination until the Japanese invasion of WW2. Thereafter, in accordance to the Geneva accords, in 1954, the northern part of Vietnam was temporarily given to the Viet Minh, led by Ho Chi Minh, whilst the south was temporarily returned to Emperor Bao Dai (the last ruler of the Nguyen dynasty; Emperor Bao Dai himself, in 1945, had renamed Annam as Vietnam, the name that most are familiar with today). This arrangement was supposed to have been only an interim solution, pending free elections throughout the country. However, the PRC had already recognized and considered Ho Chi Minh as the leader of all of Vietnam, while the French and southern Vietnamese, who opposed the agreement, stated that honest elections could never be held in the north as it was already under communist control. During that time, more than a million northern Vietnamese (especially those who were christians) fled south. It was estimated that an additional 2 million were stopped by the Viet Minh from leaving. Thousands of land owners in the north were made destitute as the Viet Minh government confiscated their property; over 8000 were executed. South Vietnam's prime minister Ngo Dinh Diem, fearing subversion or an outright attack by the PRC backed north after the departure of the French, pleaded for US assistance and assurances that it would defend the south from the communist north. One has to remember that at around this time, the world had just witnessed what communism did to South Korea by the Soviet and Chinese backed DPRK. France had even requested that the US military engage the Viet Minh with tactical nuclear weapons. The US sent supplies, arms, and advisers instead, and when that didn't prove enough, a steady build up of thousands of troops. Hence, the US is probably one of the few countries involved in Vietnam's history that never invaded it; that is, the US was invited in by the South Vietnamese.

    - Who invade Iraq with lies of "mass destruct weapons"?

    George Bush. It was unfortunate that he then dragged the US into it too.

    - And all the terrible things their western peoples did to Asians to this day?[/quote]

    Mao starved 50 Million Chinese to death during the Great Leap Forward. Most of the terrible things that happened to Asians throughout history Asians did to themselves. Westerners just saw an opening and they took it. BTW, they weren't really being racist about it. If you look into history, Europe was busy fighting and killing each other for thousands of years before they even discovered that there was a far east. Thereafter, they treated Asians with the same equal opportunity; they sought to control and plunder Asia as much as they did Europe, Africa, North and South America, and Australia.

    Should we now launch into a thread about how Asians are killing each other, too? LOL. There are ways to discuss mistreatment of Asians through history without sounding like a west hating racist. Your's is certainly not the way to do it.

    DAMN... I almost fell off my chair... What the hell was I talking about again?
    #16 ralphrepo, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  16. they see me trollin.... they hatin..........

    lol ralph... couldn't resist eh... hahahahahaha
  17. Tiger King

    Tiger King Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, this topic is similar to the endless debates about the Chinese Japanese Hatred especially in regards to Nanking, that debate to me was essentially adults pushing the dirt onto the current generation and hoping that we'll somehow clean up the mess that benefits the country.

    Your so-called arguments about both sides are pretty inconsistent. You are comparing westerners of today, people who weren't in places like Iwa Jima or Pearl Harbor firing guns and killing Japanese, people who weren't even in Nam for things that their dads and uncles and even grandfathers did, and note I don't really think these adults would be in cos-play or even know anything about it.

    You need to know your history about WWII, why it got started and how it got started in the pacific theatre. You cannot point to the US and say that they killed the Japs when it was the Japs who provoked the US physically via pearl Harbor, that's how to physical conflict on started, but you also gotta blame other parties for the use of Atomic bomb (Germans) on Jap soil. So your arguement is invalid there.

    I just find it hilarious how you'd think Westerners are ironic and stupid because they like COS-play and Anime but they killed a lot of Japs and other Asians. I can't really connect.

    And if what you're doing is called displaying Pride for Asians, then I don't want to be proud of being an Asian...
  18. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    i feel like this guy is advertising the things about anime an cosplay...
    we dont do adverts in here -sweat
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