Freckle fade cream

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by sindee, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. sindee

    sindee Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone, do you guys know a good cream that can make freckles fade away or at least look less noticeable? I'm trying to help my aunt buy it oh and she got freckles from staying in the sun too much >.<
  2. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    healhty food and reduce sun exposure.

    the freckel is from the sun.. it darkens to protect itself. and is a reaction. so avoid sun.
  3. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    I don't know about creams, but I was told citric things such as lemons lighten freckles (but they won't make them go away)

    Then again I was also told that glo white sheets lighten freckles, but did they.. no O___o
  4. kumhah

    kumhah Member

    There are lots of products in the market that claim to lightend or get rid of freckles. It may work for some people and doesn't for others. I have tried lots of different products but none worked for me. In the end I had to go to a doctor for some prescription. The products on the shelf are too mild to do anything depending on how serious or how deep your freckles are. If you really want to see results, try laser. But most important is always use a sunblock when going out in the sun.
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I think it depend on the level of freckle on the face. If it's so much; then I think getting laser is the best and cost effective treatment. If it's just a few noticeable dots here and there; then yes, a cream may be a better option.

    I wonder why your aunt doesn't wear sun block if she cares about her look and skin. Fueling the problem and then trying to find some cheap and easy fix is not the way to go when it comes to health and beauty.
  6. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    i think staying out of the sun and wearing sunscreen will help make the freckles less obvious, but not remove them.

    in b4 master_g
  7. sara

    sara Well-Known Member

    my friend got really bad freckles and she couldn't stand it no more so she went to get it laser off. she had to go 3 times cause they were very bad. but each time she goes she have to pay 500. right after the treatment her face gotten all red and have to stay home. so if u choose to do this pick a day during your vacation or on a friday so u'll have the weekend to heal. she have to put sunscreen on now spf 50. but she looks good now.
  8. d15z1sux

    d15z1sux Well-Known Member

    i think its kinda genetic or something. some people won't get freckles in the sun, ive had them almost all my life and my sister has them too lol.
  9. eternity_1314

    eternity_1314 Active Member

    i know that there is a shiseido white lucent concentrated brightening serum that would work. But it's around $100 and there is another product that might work call the concentrated from La Mer which is very expenive. You should go to a department store like Nordstorm and ask them about these products.
  10. spech

    spech Well-Known Member

    Good advice here. All the suggested treatments and creams might work, but the effects will never be permanent if the source of the problem (sun exposure) isn't eliminated.
  11. hem

    hem Well-Known Member

    White lucent Shiseido!
    Also the brand SKII is really good but expensive!

    Meanwhile used sunscreen everyday!
  12. stay out of UV rays as much as possible and use sun block... if ur a girl maybe avoid taking contraception pills...