Just came across these 55 funny phrases. 1 So many people die, never see you die. 甘多人死,唔见你死。 2 You teach me how to come out and walk in the future? 你教我以后点出嚟行? 3 If you have enough ginger, put your horse to me. 如果你够姜既话就放马过嚟。 4 "I saw a pork chop" 我见到件猪扒啊。 5 Are you road? 你系咪路啊? 6 What the water are you? 你系乜水啊? 7 Do you big me? 你大我啊? 8 Zebra chops people. 班马劈友。 9 The king of the cutting girl. 界女王。 10 Cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair. 批我个头俾你当凳坐。 11 Do you think me didn't arrive? 你当我无到? 12 You have seed, I will give you some colour to see, brothers, together up. 你有种,我会俾D颜色你睇,兄弟,同我一齐上! 13 Today I was very black son. 今日我好黑仔。 14 I am wearing grass. 我着紧草。 15 You have not enough class to talk mathematics with me! 你未够班同我讲数! 16 Two beat six. 二打六 17 Two five son. 二五仔 18 Piano piano green. 琴琴青 19 I give you some colour to see see. 我俾D顏色你睇睇! 20 Stupid stupid want to move . 蠢蠢欲動 。 21 People mountain people sea . 人山人海 。 22 How senior are you? 你算老幾? 23 What the ghost are you talk? 你講乜鬼? 24 I fear that you have teeth. 我驚你有牙! 25 Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放。 26 Fish skin 鱼皮 。 27 Monster of blowing water. 吹水怪。 28 Face green green 面青青。 29 You see road carefully 你小心睇路 30 You go to street carefully 你出街小心D。 31 Do the world 做世界 。 32 Big tea rice 大茶饭 。 33 American chinese not enough. 美中不足。 34 King eight egg. 王八蛋 35 High hand. 高手 36 Old dot. 老点 37 One old water 一旧水 38 I know your mouse. 我识你老鼠! 39 Measure water/Pound water. 磅水 A dragon service. 一条龙服务 41 Pump water.? 抽水 42 I blow chicken to beat your group of the guys. 我吹鸡打你班友。 43 You jump building. 你跳楼啦。 44 You come back home and eat banana 你返屋企食蕉啦 45 I give you a hair. 我俾条毛你ar! 46 Collect skin 收皮 47 Collect father 收爹 48 You give me collect father. 你同我收爹! 49 Laugh die me. 笑死我。 50 You give me stop. 你同我企系度。 51 Eight woman 八婆 52 Eight woman,you are good! 八婆,你好o野! 53 What the spring do you do? 你搞乜春啊? 54 A dog of eating dung 食屎狗 55 A ghost of ass 屎忽鬼
I remember seeing in a HK movie once, when the spoken dialog was, LAY JUN BAY JUP BOW FOOK got translated as You ready to pack luggage. What he meant was, You better pack your bags... or, me no yellow cow... And actually, your title is the tail wagging the dog, ie you got it backwards. These aren't funny Chinese phrases into English; rather they are common everyday normal Canto Chinese phrases mistranslated into Funny English. But they're nonetheless hilarious.
HAHA! lmaoooo kk my favs out of them: ahhh wonderful memories from the past, my old friends & i used to do that all the time when we were fobs. just translating into english word by word is already funny enough. =D
I didn't do them, I copied them from somewhere over the net Yeah, I was pondering that question too. But then I just couldn't be bothered. Yes, Defo!
dunno if anyone's noticed or cba to say anything but 黑仔, doesnt mean black son, it means bad luck... thought that might tify up any misunderstandings...
Care to do the honours? Then I'll make the changes Yes, I think we already knew that. whats written above is just the direct translation
haha! i enjoyed the read! awesome finds. i thought at one point you did an exact translation at a website (dictionary.com) and had the chinese translated into english word for word. i enjoyed real black son, stupid stupid moving, and gold eight egg! i wish i could add some, but i can't type chinese on this. =\
lol this is funny , I know some more but I cant write chinese -.-. i only know the english translation: slaughter pig chair
ok .. not all that funny .. perhaps when you're used to hearing in the language, it's natural to understand rather than finding the humor in it .. kinda take the english translation as typical of diff in lang.