So I actually LIKE saying these... LOL... Some of my favorites, Do you have a map? because I just got lost in your eyes. Are we at subway? because you just gave me a foot long. Did you just fart? because your blowing me away! I wish you were my math homework so I could do you all night! Someone should call the police, because you just stole my heart! Do you have a map? A map to your heart! Is you dad a baker? because you got some nice bo-low bows! haha so guys add in your favorite pickup lines!! Does anyone know any chinese pickup lines btw?? aha. yehh. :] -lol ~
is your dad a terrorist? cause you're the bomb i'm sorry were you talking to me? (no) well then, please start if i could rearrange the alphabet, i would put U next to I
If I were a squirrel and you were a tree would you let me bust a nut in your hole Have you ever kissed a rabbit between the ears? (Pull your pockets inside out....) Would you like to? Hey Baby! I'd like to use your thighs as earmuffs. Hey baby, wanna play lion? OK. You go kneel right there and I'll throw you my meat.
i'm good at math. U + I = 69 hi, do you want to sit on my lap and see what pops up? my love for you is like diarrhea, i just can't hold it in you must work at subway because you just gave me a footlong
hey ! how about we go home and do some maths? subtract the clothes, divide the legs and multiply theres 206 bones in the human body ... how would you like another one?