Before I buy anything, I always gotta read the nutrition labels, and if something is 'too fat' for me, I don't buy it. Basically, my life is barred down by labels, numbers, and facts... Like even at restaurants (specifically fast foods), I'll grab a nutrition facts sheet and look to find the lowest-calorie-fat and tastiest item.... Anyone else do this??
Nope, You only live once thats my theory. I dont care if i live only till im 30 as long as i can eat UNRESTRICTED BWAHAHAHA but yea i reckon that if you do heaps of excercise it doesnt matter how many calories you consume....and plus i bet if you eat a whole lotta junk food your bound to get the daily nutrients that you need (I know thats probably not tru but yea what the heck.)
16 years left of pure junk food consumption then die of a heart attack or sumfin but i betchya those 16 years would be 16 years of indulgence
i read the facts but normally i dont follow exactly!! life is short...approprite of enjoy is allow i think
lol only if im bored I will read the back labels... I just eat whatever although I do have that thought in the back of my head wondering if I should be eating it
lol Reading labels is very rare for me, only sometimes when i'm really bored, and if i remember it's fat then i'll eat less of it.
it's really hard to count the calories. i only do a rough estimate. I also read the nutritional label too.
True true, almost everything is unhealthy these days. But at least some things aren't as bad as others.... So reading it would give you some peace of mind.
^ not even...reading it will make it even worst cause u might reconsider getting an item that may taste awesome
Yes, you got a point there.... In the past year or two, I've missed out on many good foods b/c of reading labels and intense fear of getting fat!!
its time to catch up on wat u missed and start getting fat =) lol...well just exercise and u'll b fine
In the uk we are getting some system where they will place a colour on the product. I think its green = healthy yellow = ok red = unhealthy, no need to have to read labels any more!!! I think you can tell when some foods are gonna be bad, obvioulsy fresh fruit and veg are good , but when you hit any processed foods, you know they are gonna be high in additives, salt, fat, etc. Unless they are those "healthy" selections
Eh no. I don't read them at all. Although when I'm bored I'll look at the label and be like, "wow! 245 calories in this? Meh, it's good." I gain like... a couple pounds a year only anyways... so meh. I should work out though... I'm so out of shape... lol. And yeah.
McDonald's was supposedly suppose to put nutrition labels/facts on their food products (ie. the wrappers and the boxes). (and according to the Poll, I'm still the only one who is hard-core into the nutrition facts... probably b/c everyone here is a guy)