I don't understand why the guy just stood there and took her abuse. He should have walked away rather than just stand there. This is the first time I've heard "singlish". hmmm....the pronunciation seems correct; but, I couldn't understand half of the interview.
Here is a funny commentary of the incident! He should have just walked away. [video=youtube;ncY2rtVHKF8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncY2rtVHKF8"[/video]
Yes, the car... all points bulletin, be on the lookout for LICENSE # SCU148L, Silver Lexus 4Dr... I'm surprised that the TV Station didn't blank that out... :ugh:
The girl seems to be enjoyed slapping the man with her slippers, especially on his nuts. It'll be interesting to hear the woman's side of the story. What made her slap his nuts, and in public?
stress and thats the way of letting it out? hahahahah why not just chop it off instead. i had a feeling it she didnt hit it really hard coz seriosuly i dont think i can even stand one hit. if it was me i would be on the ground crying like a bith.
Wonder if there will be a follow-up story on this vid .. I am curious how the guy and gal will react with the vid being broadcasted on tv and online..lol
Maybe he is using his brains instead of his emotions, this way he can sue her ass off. As you can see there is evidence. If he would hit her back, he wouldnt look like the victim.
^highly doubt it.... If I were him I'd A) kick her back in her vj n walk away B) wun lung kuun... dig urself a hole n lay in it cuz ur totally useless.... A woman who treats a man like that should be ready to receive some hard physical punishment back!
hitting is not a good idea. it gives her another good excuse for what she did and to take him to the court. i guess its better to just go verbally crazy on her! cant just walk away, needs my pride back before i move on
No shit. But the blame is all hers. I especially detested the part (~ 26 secs) where she "commands" him to remove his crossed hands (that had been covering his groin in protection), so that she would presumably get in a better hit. Watch it again: http://www.razor.tv/site/servlet/segment/main/news/35250.html This learned behavior dramatically illustrates to me that this has been a violent oppressive relationship for some extended period of time. Not only does the man not protect himself but he has already been psychologically preconditioned to willingly accept or accommodate abuse at the woman's leisure or convenience. Except for the gender role reversal here, this pattern of learned acceptance of physical abuse is remarkably similar to that of victim responses in Battered Woman Syndrome. The man needs major therapy; the woman needs to be arrested.
The fact that he is allowing this, that is, letting himself be publicly humiliated and physically abused goes way beyond embarrassment of men. Let' make no mistake about it, he is the victim here; the abuser (the woman in this case) has such an emotional hold on him that it would be similar to that of kidnap victims not escaping even if presented with ample opportunity. In other words, he is so psychologically crippled to the point that he is absolutely incapable of defending himself or thinking in terms of his own best interest. Or let's put it this way, if she was standing there with a knife and he was holding a gun, what do you think he would do? A normal person would shoot her in order to defend themselves. But he would more than likely, reflexively hand possession of the gun over to her without so much as a second thought. That is the type of reaction that is classic for victims of long term abuse. They have been conditioned not to think, ie. their "master" thinks for them, so they no longer need to. Battered Men Syndrome Does Exist: Spoiler Other material of interest: http://physical-abuse.suite101.com/article.cfm/battered_husbands http://www.ebsconewsletter.com/healthobservance/e_article001219722.cfm?x=b11,0,w http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1798666/jon_gosselin_victim_of_battered_mens.html It is just rare to see it captured so vividly on video.