Pictures of stuff you recently bought!

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by stardust, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer


    This is how i do.
  2. ^ lol you gotta go more expensive!!! if you gonna drink a cognac, don't go for Napoleon or VSOP or no grade, ya gonna go for XO!!!


    lol anyways, a case my uncle gave me... shits bigger than my antec 300!!! (both antecs. this one is an antec outsider or something... really old case)

  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    I'd love some XO, but at $150 bucks a bottle its a little too much even for me. The VSOP is already quite smooth.

    I'd definitely like to try a glass of XO though.

    Just sit on my deck in a bathrobe one morning with a glass of XO on the rocks and a giant stogie in my hand. That would be classy as hell.
  4. lol you've almost described my previous weekend.

    except it was a glass from a $300 bottle lol
  5. gordonng85

    gordonng85 Well-Known Member


    I bought it because I know 3 programmers who were working their ass off on it, and a few from the marketing/PR team from SpeedHunters. Way to support their hard work
  6. ^ is it any good, was thinking of getting it knowing me ill stop playing it after a few days like all my other games. and my dum DS wont charge anymore.

    ok i just plugged in my ds and its charging !!!, no idea why its charging now but w/e
  7. shift looks good.. haven't got a chance to test it out yet..

    Dirt 2 is fun tho...
  8. @master g man, dude bought it to support his 3 friends, what's he supposed to say? "nawww it's shit don't get it"?

  9. ^lol i didnt say it was crap -what?, i just asked if it was any good, but wasn't sure of getting it cus i have a habit of only playing a game a couple times then abandoning it like all the rest of my games.

    thats all!! i promise!!!


    was looking for shift on demo but its not on live yet >.<
  10. it's coo.. just ship what you have left to me.. :D

    but Shift got some good reviews..
  11. ^ yup i know, i watched gametrailers review but i rather hear from a normal person who has played it, no sponsor infiltration and watnot, ill wait till raw gameplay give a review or the demo.

    lol Noooez your box would have to be chipped anyway, im just waiting for the P-S-Tripple
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    WTF Ecko 360, no way. WTF. WTF. you disappoint.>.<
  13. gordonng85

    gordonng85 Well-Known Member

    I'll keep you fellas updated.
  14. I know man... didn't even need an xbox.. plus that shit is bulky as hell.. the power cable is like a fukin brick!! hahaha

    but oh well I'm not trippin.. at least now I get play some xbox exclusives..

    but still.. UNCHARTED 2!!! shits on any xbox game for reals tho.. -lol
  15. ^yeah the power pack is a serious brick.
  16. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    $240 w/ tax 16gb.
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol man so you got into the uncharted 2 beta yet?
  18. is that game actually any good?
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    I also bought this (PS3).

    One of the better racing games i've played. Definitely the best NFS game i've played since like... Hot Pursuit 2.

    The only thing is, I didn't read the fine print. There isn't any split screen multiplayer mode. When i found out after trying to play it with my bro i was devastated lol. What kind of racing game doesn't have normal multiplayer? >_<.

    Ah well though, its still alot of fun, especially with the in car views.