Are you saying I don't have the freakin' freedom to check out whatever the hell I want? I really wonder what age you are because you come off as such an immature prick in all the threads I've seen you comment in. Ugh. I'm done.
^ that's just how neqiqboy is.... but ironically i don't see how immature that comment was.... kinda the norm to say something like that =T
dude, it was a joke .. i am sure there are curious ppl like yourself ... anyway, for you to react that way over a simple comment .. i don't think we need to say much about your level of maturity. also, like you said so yourself .. freedom to do whatever you want .. i can write whatever i want .. you don't have to read it. if you think i am an immature prick, why even bother reading and responding to my comments. a mature person would've simply ignored them and moved on; not the need to call ppl name and shit