They don't really make that much money from home users. They make money by selling licenses to schools/universities and small to large businesses.
There is probably some unnoticeable performance increase. If there wasn't that would suck for the people who really paid for it lol.
I don't understand. The anti-virus is more like service you buy, no? It updates itself every week or so. Without the update, hackers will be able to get through. It's like getting an iPhone with a pay as you go service... 2 things I don't pirate: -Windows OS -anti-virus. Windows, I get them free lul.
no adobe reently expands with Omniture purchase for $1.8 billion (that is half of Adobe's asset) if they fail to cope, it ain't gonna last long... actually no, software vendors make money from the home user sector because they pay the full amount, however they made less from biz and subscriptiosn because the price is considerably cheaper (as per license) compared to end consumers BUT because they are purchased in "large amounts" therefore you think they are making more; furthermore, the software venders make more as well beacuse the biz software is valued more beacuse end users don't use them, and you are really only comparing same software with end users vs biz whereas biz specialized software are comparing because no end user buys them;