Young people are under the mistaken impression that the physical shell of a car will somehow protect you (ie. air bags, steel cage, etc) in ANY accident. What they don't realize is, that any physical object has a point of failure. I remember once seeing a picture showing the back half of a car on the highway after an earthquake in California. The front half of the car was crush beneath a fallen trestle. It looked like someone had sliced the back end off a car, and then stuck it against a wall. The front end of the car (and people inside) was literally crushed flatter than a sheet of paper. The moral of all this, is that any time you get into a car, you simply cannot forget that your vehicle is a part of our physical universe, and as with anything else, will reach a point of failure when confronted with a force more powerful than it can withstand. Driving at 100 MPH gets you very close to that point of failure if you should hit anything. Hence it is no surprise that when that car slammed into a tree, it disintegrated, along with its driver and passengers. The force of impact was probably the equivalent of five guys sitting on top of a 500 pound bomb, and then detonating it. Driver education in the US has traditionally failed in this regard; that is, make children understand that when they drive at high speeds, that they will eventually crash and kill either themselves and or someone else. In this case, one idiot committed suicide and took four friends along for the ride. They were stupid to have even gotten in the car. What good are seat belts, when there are no seats left in the car? The passengers' biggest mistake is, getting into a car driven by a braggadocio type personality; the one that claims to know everything, or is better at anything than anyone else, or needs to show the world that he or she is large and in charge. It is these types of people that wind up killing their unwitting friends. As a matter of fact, I just use this thread as an instructional example for my two boys; that if they should ever find themselves in a situation where they know that by getting into a friend's car would be a danger to them, that I would pay for their cab fare home, no questions asked, regardless of distance, cost, or time of day. I rather be poorer by a few bucks than have my kids killed by some asshole with an ego.
i like the wheels though, dont speed. i also think trees next to the roads are a bit dangerous and all other rock solid objects, but yeah, drive and crash at 30 and youll live most of the time providing your wearing your seat belt.
lol i was just saying it for the hell of it hahha...of course even with full body coverage they would've been turned into human butter.
Well I think this is a false impression... I believe most young people do understand the outcome if the accident do occur. But they tend to think 'oh, that's not gonna happen to me' and peer pressures (in this case 'I got balls and I got skills' attitude)
i don't think it's peer pressure per se.. it's more like one person wanna look cool in front of friends by acting stupid.