Believe it when women say their partners are bigger liars than them, for a new survey has revealed that males tell twice as many lies as females... The survey by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment to mark the launch of ‘Lie to Me’ Season 1 on DVD, revealed that men tell six fibs a day on average to their partner, boss and work colleagues. This makes it to 42 lies a week, 2,184 a year, or a staggering 126,672 in an average lifetime. However, women come out with just three porkies a day - or 68,796 in a lifetime. The poll showed "Nothing’s wrong, I'm fine" is the top lie told by men and women. "Body language is a great way of telling someone is lying," The Daily Express quoted body language expert Richard Newman as saying. "Yet most people can’t read the signals. They assume someone hiding the truth avoids eye contact. The opposite is true. Liars usually do everything they can to convince you - sitting still and looking at you to watch your reaction. "Touching your face and rapid blinking are massive giveaways. But even the world’s top expert can only read up to 85 per cent of lies from body language," he added. Top lies at work included: Nice to see you again, I missed your call, The traffic was bad,I’ll give you a ring, My alarm didn’t go off and The train was delayed.Still, more than four out of five people said that they could easily tell if their partner was lying, and more than half had been caught out trying to lie to their partner. Almost a quarter of couples have rowed about lies, with seven per cent splitting up because of it. Nine per cent of people had got into trouble at work by lying. Source -------------- This is retarded
Lol... it could b true that men are bigger liars but women are definitely BETTER liars I dont think "Nothing’s wrong, I'm fine" is always a bad lie to tell tho.. its more like a lie to brush a man off when he keeps asking whats wrong n a woman doesnt wanna talk abt it
yeah but what gives when a woman says "i'm fine" but gets pissed later cuz you don't ask them or care about why they were upset...girls are so ma fan
But it's not just women who says ''i'm fine'' ! The men said it too, but the motive between women and men are a little different. Usually, women says i'm fine ( but actually she wants you to know about something) and men says so b/cuz they don't want their women worry ... i think . lol
if they look to their left, LYING. lil white lie is fine, i do it to someone who thought im her friend all the time -_______-''