The vivid red-and-blue colouring is almost uncannily like that of the Marvel superhero, and comic book fans have been flocking to exotic pet shops to snap them up. Agamas like the Spider-Lizard, as it has become known make good pets, as they become tame and docile if handled regularly. However, they require specialist equipment in the UK to maintain their temperature. It can grow up to a foot long, and the squeamish may find it a problem to feed – a balanced diet for an agama includes locusts, crickets, mealworms and waxworms. Native to Kenya, the rock agama (Agama mwanzae) is unable to throw webs, but can change colour – the brightly coloured males will change brown at night or if frightened. They can also run on their hind legs, and – like Spidey – can scale vertical walls. Source
that thing actually looks pretty cool. I wont want one tho but none the less it will be a very unique pet.
=O damn that really does look like spidey haha... "They can also run on their hind legs, and – like Spidey – can scale vertical walls." ---> ehm... lotsa lizards can do that!?
omfg! lol, what a coincidence, i had a dream about going to get spiderman's signature (one of the scenes...) this lizard does look like spideyman from that angle
woah that actually looks really cool! but i dont think i would be getting one anytime soon.... hate lizards