god... i was enjoying the series until Toby appear, i still dont get y she keep getting lead role, she cant act, not good looking, even her voice is annoying. i was so annoyed by her voice in ep4 i stopped watching
I totally agree on this - bad ugly, male voice, superior bad performance. I don't get why TVB keeps giving her important roles in the series? Or are Hongkongnese crazy about her? She is ruining the god d*mn serie which has been degraded now, but don't worry she is not entirely in leading role.
I heard somewhere that her dad or her boyfriend is a director/high exec in TVB, thats how she's getting in movies, series etc.
well, her role is not big enough or anoying enough to ruined a seried like myolie wu in BF3, plus the're enough stars power in this series to cover up any bad acting in this series.
lol yea u r right, just heard from a friend, her dad is a highup thats y she keep getting those roles toby...
her daddy is 梁家樹 tommy leung, the producer of TVB, i think she def. improved. i watched ep 1 & i knw this is meant for my old man LOL, watch enough of this kinda 民初 drama before
Yea, she can be rather irritating and her voice doesn't help but at least she isn't as irritating as Kaki Leung, Sammul Chan's gf in Emergency Unit.
I don't mind that she plays some role, but i'm really sad that she will act as a couple with Kenneth :[:[
she is called toby ah. not attractive and don't know who she is, why she's in this show. i started to like the show until she appearred..dun like liao.
Toby actually looked alright in the Love Connected film, although I still cannot stand her voice she is indeed improving. I would still rather watch someone else play the role though.
one more reason give me to either give the series a try or not. Her acting not that great but she's in a lot series now.
I swear all Toby's role / use is appearing on screen and cry. I still remember her from the drive of life, all 3 times she appeared on screen, all she did was cry -_-