Cheeky robbers left a mugging victim with a mystery pain that doctors only got to the bottom of four months later – when they found a knife buried in her buttocks. Being robbed is a pain in the rear end at the best of times, but as you can see from this remarkable X-ray Ying Shi, 26, was left with a nasty reminder of the ordeal. Doctors found a razor-sharp six-inch blade buried so far into her bottom that it was pressing into her bladder. 'All I remember of the night was a stabbing pain in my backside. I thought they had just slashed me, I didn't realise the whole blade had gone all the way in,' she said. Doctors in Shanghai, eastern China, were stumped by Ying's stomach complaints, until they performed a scan. 'I am amazed they missed it the first time around but very relieved that they've found it now,' she said. Source __________________ how do you not notice that?!
no infections? not much bleeding? 4 months with a blade up your ass and you don't know about...she's lucky that didn't cause more serious health issues.
lol, this is just one of the things ppl left inside someone's body, i rmb reading about leaving the nails inside, plastic crap, all sorts of random crazy things. 6 inch is long o___O''
that's just messed can you not feel a knife's blade in your body... shes lucky she survived...
This smells like hoax or cooked story to me. "...a mystery pain that doctors only got to the bottom of four months later... & Doctors in Shanghai, eastern China, were stumped by Ying's stomach complaints, until they performed a scan." In the US, wounds are routinely explored before closure and any sort of abdominal complaint is automatically CT scanned, especially for penetrating trauma. In a first tier city like Shanghai, I'm sure that their clinical skills and quality are about the same as any other major international city. Further, her pains would have likely been in her pelvis, not stomach. However, one doesn't even need the sophistication of a CT scan. The picture shown above is not a CT but rather just a simple XRay. As anyone can plainly see, it would have easily and clearly shown the foreign body lodged in the wound. Moreover, the XR reveals a patient that isn't large to begin with, ie. she isn't so overly obese that a 6" blade would have been easily hidden into her buttocks. Also, like Eviltu mentioned, a wound like that with no sepsis? And to top it off, Central European News - Europics had the nerve to copyright someone's personal Xray? Unlikely. -noclue Note: the author of the article Ted Thornhill's published writing pedigree: Celeb boob Prison Break Ted Thornhill Fri 17 October 2008, The Sun Beautiful babes in bra war Ted Thornhill Fri 17 October 2008, The Sun Madonna's men: the history Ted Thornhill Thu 16 October 2008, The Sun Meet the flashiest stars Ted Thornhill Fri 10 October 2008, The Sun Celebs' teen geek tragedy Ted Thornhill Tue 16 September 2008, The Sun Steamy stars in wet t-shirts Ted Thornhill Thu 4 September 2008, The Sun Sexy girls' web revenge Ted Thornhill Mon 1 September 2008, The Sun Cheeky celeb flashers flaunt it Ted Thornhill Tue 26 August 2008, The Sun See sexy stars busting out Ted Thornhill Tue 26 August 2008, The Sun Nudes: a cause for celebration Ted Thornhill Thu 14 August 2008, The Sun Meet the real incredible hulks Ted Thornhill Thu 12 June 2008, The Sun Celeb couples: the new batch Sophie Mansell, Ted Thornhill Thu 12 June 2008, The Sun UV've been framed, celebs! Ted Thornhill Wed 11 June 2008, The Sun Nudes of the world get sporty Ted Thornhill Wed 11 June 2008, The Sun Who is BB's biggest bitch? Ted Thornhill Tue 10 June 2008, The Sun For those of you familiar with The Sun, it is a British based tabloid based on the National Enquirer model of selling news via sensationalism instead of journalism. So given the source, should we really believe this story?
This is an amusing story, I don't understand how she wouldn't have known that something was stuck up there. Maybe the knife was coated with anesthetics? But Ralph is kind of right, this story does kind of sound too good to be true
When she was robbed orriginally where not the cops called? Would they not notice blood?....Regardless whomever this lady is she deseves the verry least for not noticing a knife in her butt for four one can be that oblivious.