SHOCKING pictures have emerged of a boy who is a heavy smoker - at just four years of age. And the Jianghuai Morning Post reports that little Dong Dong, from Banqiao village in China's Anhui province, has been smoking since he was only two. Dong lives with his grandparents, who run a grocery shop. They say he constantly steals cigarettes to feed his deadly habit. He also drinks alcohol. "When he needs cigarettes, he just takes them from the house or steals a pack from the store. We just can't seem to stop him," his grandmother told the paper. Local doctor Zhang Gong, from Anhui Provincial Children's Hospital, was shocked to see a four-year-old smoke. "From the way the boy smokes and his posture, he looks to have had a long history of smoking even though he is so young," he added. Wouldn't want a son like him ...
No joke, he posted a vid in here quite a while ago showing some 3 or 4 year old kid smoking like a freaking pro
^ LoL, dang, you got good memories but I have no idea if it's the same kid... The kid I posted in the video was on the bike I believe
i aint being stereotypes or watsoever but, hes definitely a 鄉下仔 who knws nothing cuz the lack of proper education and knowledge. & then they will go to the cities, compete to get jobs from us sigh
guess what ... with that kinda of habit at such a young age, i don't think he will long enough even go to college. a kid's lung can't handle all that crap for long .. education don't help in asia cuz smoking is the norm .. i have cousin who are well educated still smoke like crazy despite knowing the consequences .. it's the society .. just WRONG and that's just the guy side. the gal side is catching up .. that's just beyond NASTY.
i think in china if you smoke it shows your status in there dunno why tho it might be stressful trying to make money tho :S but it doesn't condone kids to smoke at such a young age =/
wow i've never heard of this before. he can still be saved if he stops now. his parents need to control him more.
LOL do you think looking him up in his bedroom like Trainspotting and let him go cold turkey like that?
think this has been posted b4... but like, shouldnt the gparents try harder to stop the child from smoking?
有錢人吸煙為了應酬/沒錢人吸煙為了憂愁 有錢人吸煙看牌子/沒錢人吸煙沒牌子 有錢人吸煙不吸到頭/沒錢人吸煙吸到燒指頭 depends on what brand the lil kid's smokin from, lol