A FUCKING UNCLE in the Family

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by TigerEROS, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. TigerEROS

    TigerEROS Member



    The other day called is elder sister (who does not have a car) to travel via public transit from downtown to get to Grandpa's Senior's Home to pickup a scarf and then has to travel via public transit to go to the hospital to drop off the scarf because Grandpa felt cold in the hospital.

    The FUCKING GUY lives uptown and is only minutes away from the Senior's home ... he FUCKING DRIVES!


    As well ... Grandpa went today to another hospital (Ambulance was arranged by the hospital) for further testing and to see an oncologist ... his elder sister told him about it ...

    So what did he do ... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

    He let Grandpa go on his own ...



  2. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    in cooper union? lol

    this uncle 超不孝 ... either he think he's the son so shouldnt do a shit or he hates his own daddy. sigh* selfish selfish selfish!
  3. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Can someone count how many "Fuck" are in this thread (excluding mind) I lost track
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    calm the fuck down and edit what you wrote..its kinda confusing at parts
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I know what you're saying and understand how you feel .. I have those kind of uncles and aunts as well. I gave up after my mom continues to act that way .. be bossed and stepped over by her siblings .. frankly taking advantage of all the time.

    My mom never complain nor question ... to her, these are her bro and sis .. blood related .. if you can't trust them, who else can you trust .. also, talking about being filial. If those uncles and aunts don't do something, the only one end up suffering is her parents (my grandparents) .. if she sits there and not do something; then she's no different from them. Love is unconditional when it comes to family. She feels that if those aunts and uncles treat their parents that way, when they get old, their children will treat them just as bad. what goes around, comes around. Bottom line, if you can't take care of your own parents, you certainly can't expect your own kids to take care of you ...

    It's hard for me to do but I understand what my mom's saying and don't think she's dumb like I once thought .. lol ..
  6. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Yeah fuck this fucker up, some people are just lazy fuck, doesn't fucking care around about anything and makes everyone fucking do his work for him.

    I know how you feel, just dont let the fucker get to you is all im saying, in the end you just have to suck it all in because this is reality.

  7. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Tiger, your fustration is understandable. He's such a selfish dickhead for expecting someone else to deal with the family matters all the time.

    KDOT's Avatar is FUCKed up. haha.
  8. tiffystars

    tiffystars Well-Known Member

    i know how you kinda feel too
    i have this uncle who keeps stealing stuff from the family..goes into my auntie's house and takes her money =_="
    and takes drugs and all sorts D=

    hope things get better for your family..
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    theres always one "fucker" in the family :D
  10. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Might add there's a "Bitch" in every family too ^^
  11. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    tbh mate every family will have someone like that..
    just like mine.. my dads side of the family everyone in my dad's family takes the piss with him coz somehow everyone seems to ask him for money and he always seems to be the one that's paying out for the things for my grandad like the bunbun's (servant) money that takes care for my grandad, the payment for my nan's funeral. My dad also has a house in the village back in HK and every single one of my uncles and aunties always takes over that house for hte holidays so when ME AND MY SISTER wants to stay there, we always just get rushed and pushed out coz they are all selfish buggers

    (please note, my dad was passed onto his cousin to bring him up so i dunno if there are any resemblence to this)

    so to Tiger, i'll just leave him be and let him be as lazy as he can so when the time comes that he NEEDS the help you don't have to say yes to him because you don't respect him jsut like i do to my uncles :)
  12. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Two actually, that's how Im here
  13. TigerEROS

    TigerEROS Member

    I will take your advice as well as everybody else's ....

    My Dad (he passed away in December) used to take care of all the stuff dealing with my Grandpa ... for the past 10 years (and after 3 strokes) my Dad dealt with every single little thing ....

    My Aunt lives downtown .... a lot of hassle to travel and for an old lady ... its just wrong to have her do so much .... so my Dad took the responsibility ....

    7 years ago when my parents went on their Anniversary Holiday ... my Grandpa needed an operation (a pacemaker) .... who was there? ME! The Grandson took a week off work .... my Uncle .... aboslutely NOTHING!

    My Uncle even called us one night (back then) .... "O my son has a fever ... what should I do?" ..... minid you this was around 2-3 in the morning ... WTF????? .... try going to the HOSPITAL????

    Holy Crap!

    Well ..... let him be .... once Grandpa passes away (touch wood) ..... guess who will be dealing with all the crap? NOT ME!
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahahaha...evos taking shit literally...
  15. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    you'll just have to convince your grandad that when he passes away one day (sorry to say that) but hint something that your uncle don't deserve much of his will as he hasn't done much for him and what not, if i had a son like that i will not pass on anything to him!

    wow im such a shitstirrer when it comes to these kinda thing!
  16. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ .. nah .. if your grandpa is traditional .. no matter how his son treats him, he always end up with the most inheritant .. that's the traditional thing. if you mom or whatever argues, then your grandpa would think .. gee, yo're helping just to get a bigger share of the will .. lol
  17. AsianInvasion

    AsianInvasion Well-Known Member

    what a peter pan peanut butter bitch

    yeah well like everyone said everyone also has that one smack talkin old g/ma - g/pa in their fam lol. i just try to respect them nd not get on their bad sides.. i mean they ARE my seniors so either way i gotta treat them with respect >_>
  18. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    haha inheritance can be a very imporant thing for the family, like some people are just plain greedy to take everything or just genuinely wanna take it away from those who doesn't deserve it :p

    traditionally the elderly grants the will to those who he cared and loved the most, which usually means either the oldest or the youngest among their children... just need to know where the OP's ucle stands, if he doesn't stand in a very important part of the grandpa's heart, he'll probably get a small little goat or something and the aunt gets like a giant house or $$£££ lol

    or what this kid should do is that he should get a someone anonymous and pay him to beat him up
  19. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    If he is married go congratulate him, tell him that this is what the kids going to do to him in future. As always like father like son. This is better than you getting so upset and he doesnt know and care.
  20. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    lol .. not all people have inheritance anyway .. lol

    beat him up .. not worth it .. why waste money on the bastard when you can use it on yourself for food or whatever.. lol

    the op is just angry w/ the situation .. not comletely hate his uncle .. i dun think so .. he's relative anyway .. dislike at best and not assoc anymore ..