Lol. I would take pics of them but they're really boring looking. They look like cardboard cuz there's a layer of paper to protect them. Local houseware store. The kinda place that sells stuff like sheets, pillows, etc.
why the 1005ha? I would have choose the HP Mini with the Broadcom HD Accelerator or the Acer Aspire AS1410 (1810t in other country).
meh.. Asus fans.. I guess they all think that Asus is a better machine because of their brand from motherboard+videocard+laptops...
Well if you mean stability then it seems alright as it wasn't that expensive i ain't expecting that much, But seems sturdy enough for me and i can destroy pcs every year so i do replacement parts few times a year. No joke... and the submerging part if you mean to put it in liquid coolant for your cooling system i'm not positive but if you mean to put it in mineral water build then i'm pretty sure it is safe as long as the lcd don't touch it.
well i've lasted long enough with knee pads... hahaha not that it helps that much, end up with bite marks on the shin most of the times =( but kyle straits are so comfy and work! =) they're dmr v8s =) great grip!! next best thing compared to clip-ins i'd probably kill myself if i was clipped-in... lol guess that's the end of my current shopping spree... tho i guess the phone was the killer... the rest of the stuff is negligible in terms of price relative to the phone hahaha
hmmm not bad knocster..!....but whuts "tachymetre"...?..measure the tackiness of stuff..?....hahahha...
Heres a definition: A tachymeter or tacheometer is a kind of [ame=""]theodolite[/ame] used for rapid [ame=""]measurements[/ame] and determines, electronically or electro-optically, the distance to target, and is highly automated in its operations. Such tachymeters are often used in [ame=""]surveying[/ame]. A tachymeter is also used as the name of the scale sometimes inscribed around the rim of an [ame=""]analog watch[/ame], useful in converting time intervals to speed or other rates of events. hope you enjoy~! Went on another shopping spree! Had to get some extra ram to upgrade my old sz260p labtop to 2gb to run vista. Well decided to get a media player setup for my living room so went ot get a nice 1tb hd and some hdmi cables Went with this latest model that came out PLAYS EVERYTHING! or so it says! Got something to wear for the fall as well.
On the watch theme, I just bought my girlfriend this: And i will be buying myself this, probably next month once i see my October paycheque's commission:
Bought these in paris .... I was gonna get sennheisers but I liked the look of these much better n the price was similar.... couldnt help myself so i bought it Also, I bought a trench coat similar to this.... <3