hey there i was wodnering waht could be the problem that when i convert rmvb into avi there is no sound when i do the conversion!! is there another program that would be better for converting these horrible file extenstion?
I'm assuming you are converting dramas...If you want them in AVI you should download them in that format. If you are burning them then I suggest VSO since it will convert any format. Also, what are you using to convert right now? You really have to give us more info to help you. We aren't mind readers.
i use winavi and nero to burn them, i never had issues with the sound; you can try using other format and see if there is any sound; if there isn't, you might need the rmvb dlls from winavi's website;
Not really the same issue, but this thread might still help:[ame="http://www.dramasian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49898"]Converting problem - PopularAsians, the Entertainment Destination[/ame]
if u r talking about having no sound problem converting from rmvb to avi using winavi, think the version that you are using matters...if i didnt remember wrongly, think using version 7.6 for winavi will have no problem with the sound...
i'm sry but i was currentlying using nero 8 and using winavi to convert but it's still converting rmvb into wtih no sound and sometimes i cant' seem to find the avi files but i do find the rmvb files
have u tried installing k-lite codecs with the realmedic codecs and using winavi to convert rmvb to avi or dvd? see whether got sound?
Did you at least take a look at the other thread that I referred to ? If you did, then you should know which codecs you are missing by now.
the k-lite one is the one that has all the codecs that works with winavi 8.0; before k-lite i have installed 3 most common codecs and couldn't fix an issue with converting MKV files;
I had some encoding problems in the past and uninstalling k-lite and replacing it with CCCP worked pretty well for me.
hmmm i have the opposit, i had issues with CCCP and two others (i used to have all those 3 packs installed and had issues recently) then removed them all and install the latest K-lite then it worked (for whatever the reason is) -what?
If you know how to use avisynth, then I would suggest making a script and converting the video with virtualdub. With avisynth you can almost convert any video file to a different one. Yes, that includes sound too.