it's watchable. not really more than anything than a chase movie. they really reduced to michael tse's character to nothing. too much anthony wong in this one, he seemed like he was coasting.
it had too much of a infernal affairs everyone was a undercover in the movie? i like the series WAY more!! his character was very weird the way he act and the girls always following him?
yeah that was weird, he didn't seem very charming for a guy with that many girls. i would probably say that he ruined a lot of the movie, he seemed bored and his character wasn't very interesting. he had the most screen time too...probably cause he was the biggest name in the cast.
Damn I really dont know why you guys dont like it, am I watching the wrong movie? I think it's great, TVB should make moar movies! <3 the cast
I tried getting into the movie, but it had no direction at all. This movie is the perfect example of relying on its power cast way too much that the writers got lazy to write an actual story. But what's the point of such big names when everyone is under-utilized? People end up dying and revealed to be this or that, not allowing the story to be elaborated. More importantly, Laughing Gor ends up a supporter actor rather than the star with talented veterans overshadowing and getting better lines and scenes. This has got to be one of the most non-substance movie on my list (along with All's Well, Ends Well 2009). I wouldn't even watch it again for entertainment's sake. Can you sense my disappointment?
i finally got around to watching it and i can say that i enjoyed the movie a lot. series was definitely better, but the movie was better than some of the other stuff i've been watching lately.
this movie was horrible. and it didnt evne follow the correct story line. I'd say it but the spoiler would be too bad, so I think people who has watched E.U shoudl check it out and tell me if im right.
i actually liked the movie, it wasa quite good imo my mum liked it too an even reccommended it to my uncle so