absolutly wikid film, watched it on the plane to hk! had to watch it on the way back to uk cos its soo good
Hi i wanted to download the OST but for some reason i clicked on your link and it didn't work and i really want the song on mp3 can anyone tell me where to download it please. Thanks a lot.
I really enjoyed watching this movie too... its a bit predictable but...its really funny and yeah the soundtrack is great....
I am trying to find the link where i can download the soundtrack anyone know where? if you do thanks very much.
I don't really find the movie as great as everyone else is making it out to be, not that it wasn't entertaining, but i have to admit i absolutely love the soundtrack!!! Especially byul and maria!!!
Here is the link to the thread xiaojia was on about: PA - Entertainment Destination Looks like only the Megaupload link works -flow