Officials say what they are told to say.. that aside, i thought Americans tend to hand out in the grocery stores and the cops got dibs on dunkin doughnuts. -out2
Well they actually do tell people that there is for 1 in every ________ (I don't know how many) that these rare case will occur... She's unlucky
it's a known fact that some people had have health issues after getting a flu shot, it's rare but still scary.
a much higher percentage of babies end up with autism after their initial jabs, i had these jabs too though and was fine. i would not give these jabs to my baby though. The sooner we realise the drugs cartel is not here solely to cure us but to prolong our lives if necessary and drain us of our money.. the better Much better things can be taken, natural things.
duh .. anyone ever read the ingredients of flu shots? mercury is one of them. remember when you are in school, the teachers tell you not to play with the mercury if the thermometer breaks??? even if you don't end up like the girl, the mercury will kill you.
wow dang i feel really bad for her,... shes still young too and her whole life she has to live with that... i hope her husband stays with her
Yea, healthy people shouldn't get the flu shot since it really ain't necessary... Flu shot is more important to young children and the elderlies