A lip gloss that comes with a date rape drug testing kit has been launched in the UK with plans to make it available in vending machines in bar and club toilets. The five 2LoveMyLips gloss products contain a drug testing kit in the form of a pink taper that can detect GHB and Ketamine. Managing director of the company 2LoveMy, Tracy Whittaker, explained that girls on a night out with suspicions about their drink can just dab the taper in, and watch to see if the colour changes to blue. “If they turn blue tell your friends immediately and get help from security and the police,” she explained. Sales have already proved 'positive' Sales of the product to UK beauty salons are positive, according to Whittaker, who is planning to launch the product in USA and Asutralia. In addition, she said the company hopes to target tourist spots in the Far East where drink spiking is a significant problem. Source
Yes, drug kit great, but how is the lip gloss?? Not getting raped is a plus, but can't forgive sticky glosses